Chapter 4: Freedom

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Rikki's POV

I woke up in the morning and got dressed like usual. I got all my school stuff gathered up and managed to sneak out without being caught and hit. I got in my car and drove to school.

After school I went home and tried to make it to my room before my so called 'dad' could see me, but that didn't work very well.

"Hey you left this morning without saying 'goodbye'. What's up with that? Why wouldn't you want to say goodbye to your one and only father?" he said right before I could start walking up the stairs

"Why would I say goodbye to you? I mean, after everything you've done to me, Ivan, and mom! Why would I want to say goodbye to a killer when I go to school?" I replied.

He got up off the couch and came over to me. He wrapped his free hand around my neck while he had a bottle of beer in the other and lifted me up, pushing me against the wall. I tried everything to get out of his grip, but nothing worked.

"Maybe I should just kill you too, just like I killed your worthless mother. I mean then it would get rid of you smart mouth then I won't have to deal with you anymore. And if I get rid of you then I just have to get rid of Ivan and I would never get caught because there will be no one left to call the police on me. Its a win win situation. Well for me anyways." He said.

Everything began to go black when suddenly I could breathe. I hit the floor and opened my eyes. I looked up and he was looking back down at me.

"Or maybe I'll just let you go for a while and beat you little by little everyday until you're gone. Just to make things more fun and interesting."

He walked back over to the couch and sat down. He turned around and looked over at me.

"Well you better go upstairs or something before I change my mind."

I got up and ran upstairs. I got everything that I had packed up and put it into a pile. About an hour later, Ivan came home. He came running upstairs and knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said.

He opened the door and stood at the doorway.

"You ready to go?" he asked.

"Yea, you?"


"Alright then let's go."

He went back to his room and grabbed his stuff. He walked back into my room with just a Wal-mart bag in hand and his bookbag on his back.

"You really wanna take your bookbag?" I asked.

"Well aren't we still gonna go to school?"

"I'm not sure. I do know for at least a week or so, we need to keep a low profile so he can't track us down and find us."


He put his bookbag down and I grabbed a rope I had sitting in my closet that I bought a while back for a school project but never used.

I attached to something that would be strong enough for us to climb down it and out the window but weak enough so I could yank it right out when we were out.

"Alright now is the time. Let's go." I said.

"Okay." replied Ivan.

I moved and let him go out first. When he was all the way down I tossed his stuff out the window and he caught it. He set them on the ground and I tossed mine and he caught mine as well.

I grabbed the rope and climbed out the window. Once I got down to Ivan, I yanked the rope and it pulled right out of the window.

I wasn't sure where to go so I ran next door to Andy's house. I knocked on the door and Andy opened it.

"Rikki? What are you doing here?" asked Andy.

"Andy thank God! My  brother and I need a place to stay for a while. I will explain why later." I said.

"Uh...Okay, come in."

We walked in and he closed the door. I started to cry thinking that my father was going to burst through that door at any second and drag us back home.

I turned around and ran to Andy. I hugged him and sobbed into his shoulder.

"Rikki, what's going on?" he asked, concerned.

"I-Its m-my dad. H-He hits m-me and I-Ivan. And h-he k-killed our m-mother." I managed to mumble out.

"Shhh...calm down. Everything will be okay. We are getting ready to move actually so if you were to come with us, you're dad shouldn't be able to find you guys."

"R-Really? You su-sure that would b-be okay?"

"Yea, I'm sure my mom would let you stay if she knew your story. Let me go talk to her."


He broke the hug and ran into another room.

Andy's POV

I ran into the kitchen where my mom was.

"Hey, mom, would it be okay if my friend and her brother lived with us? Their father is abusive and they ran away. They live just next door  but if they moved with us, their dad shouldn't be able to find them. Please, mom? They need help." I begged.

"Well I mean this is all very sudden, but I guess so. Does she have anywhere else to go that you know of?" she replied.

"Not that I know of. I am assuming they just ran here since taking the car would be too loud plus he would realize her car is gone and know they ran away."

"Alright that's fine. Wait, what about their mother?"

"She told me that her father killed her. That's all she said."

"Oh wow....Okay well they can live with us and they can move with us too."

"Thank you so much mom!"

I ran up to her and hugged her.

"You're welcome!"

I broke the hug and ran back to the living room where Rikki and her brother were.

"My mom said you guys can live with us which means coming along with us on the move as well!" I said.

"Th-Thank you so much, Andy!" she replied pulling me into a hug and once again sobbing into my neck.

"No problem. I'm happy as long as I get you guys somewhere safe where your dad can't get to you."

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