Chapter 20: Rory and Clary **FINAL CHAPTER**

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Rikki's POV

"Alright, I'm off to work. Wish me luck!" said Andy as he wiped off his new uniform.

"Good luck, baby!" I said standing up and giving him a kiss.

"Thanks, babe. And just remember, this is only temporary. A few months maybe. Just until this whole band thing with the guys gets going."

"I know I know. So who all is in the band exactly?"

"Right now, just me, Jake, and Ash. but Jake is gonna talk to his friends Jeremy and CC to see if they wanna join too."

"Okay sounds great! I'll be at every show!"

"I know you will. Anyways I have to go or I'll be late. I love you and I'll see you tonight." he said as he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and headed out the door.

"I love you too." I said partially to myself as he had already left.


Later, Ella picked me up and we went to the coffee shop to talk and hang out for a little while since I really didn't have anything better to do while Andy was at work.

"So how are things with you and Andy?" asked Ella nosily, as always.

"Good. Great actually. Ever since the whole smoking issue, he's been really caring. Especially about the babies. And now that I'm due in a week, he hasn't been letting me out of his sight except to go to work and even then he calls me and checks up on me every chance he gets. It really shows how much he cares." I replied, my cheeks growing a bit pink thinking about it.

"Aww well I'm glad you guys are happy. By the way, when is the baby due?"

"Next Thursday. But judging by the amount of kicking I've been feeling, I almost think they'll be early. I was talking to Amy and she was saying that's what happened to her. When she was pregnant with Andy he kicked and kicked about 2 weeks before he was due and was delivered a few days later."

"Oh wow. And how much have they been kicking?"

"Not too bad. I mean more than they used to but it's not terribly bad just yet."

I looked down and gently put my hand over my big belly. A moment later, I felt one kick. I smiled and looked back up at Ella.

"One of them kicked!" I said, excitement in my voice.

"Really? I wanna feel!" She reached over the table and placed her hand on my belly.

I put my hand over hers and one of the babies kicked again. She smiled and sat back.

"I can't wait until I have kids. I've always wanted them." she said still smiling as she thought about what it would be like to have a kid.

"Trust me the first trimester can be misery. The morning sickness, pains, I mean its different for everyone, but most of the big symptoms are the same, at least for most people." I replied.

"Right, but its worth it in the end once you have the babies. Well, then again they don't sleep through the night until they're like 3 months old."

"Something like that." I said with a small snicker.

"Yeah. But I still love and want kids. No offense to you or anything but I plan on waiting a while before I actually have a kid."

"None taken, it was an accident anyways so there's really no offense to be taken. But I know what you mean, I would have waited too. But I mean, once we get everything straightened out then we should be fine."

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