Chapter 3: Bones

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Two Months Later

Over the course of the past few months, my dad has been drinking and drinking and abusing and abusing. He's been hitting all three of us. My mom, my 15 year old brother, Ivan, and me!

I came home from school to see my mom on the floor curled up in a ball while my dad was hitting her. I threw my bags on the floor and ran up to my dad.


He had his fist in the air about to punch her, but stopped. He put his fist down and turned to me.

"Yea, so. You're my daughter and I still us you for my personal punching bag." he said.

He raised his hand and smacked me. He continued smacking me until his open hand turned into a fist. Punch after punch, hit after hit.

I just sat there on the floor while he continued to hit me. He stopped for a moment. I looked up to see him looking down at me, anger and rage in his eyes.

He slapped me one last time before walking away. Instantly, I ran over to my mom and saw that she was unconscious.

"Mom wake up. Please mom, you have to wake up. Stay with me, mom!" I said starting to cry.

"Mmmm....Ri-kki." she said opening her eyes just a bit.

"Mom, you're awake."

"Yes, but probably not for long."

I layed her head on my knee and sat her up a bit.

"Mom, p-please d-don't go. S-Stay with m-me." I stuttered as tears fell out of my eyes like a waterfall.

"Don't cry dear. Even though its sad and we may not like it, everything and everyone has to die at some point in time."

"B-But, Mom, y-you're not g-going t-to die."

"I love you and your brother. Stay  strong for me, sweetie."

She placed her cold hand on my cheek and began to fade away. Her hand fell off of my face and onto my lap. I checked for a pulse but there was none. I checked to see if she was breathing, there was no breath. I closed her eyes and sat there for a minute.

"You goddamn bastard." I mumbled.

"What was that you worthless piece of shit?" said my dad as he turned and faced me.


I layed my mom's head on the floor and jumped up. I ran over to my dad and grabbed his shirt.


"YEA EXACTLY!!" he shouted back.

He got out of my grip and grabbed me. He threw me on the floor and started kicking me. Suddenly the kicking stopped.

He looked down at me, pure anger and rage in his eyes.

"You're not worth my time, you piece of shit." he said as he turned and walked away.

I got up and went to my room. I locked the door and sat on my bed. I heard the door slam and went over to my bedroom window. My dad just walked out of the house and sat in the car to smoke from what I could see.

I got up and unlocked my door. I went downstairs and dug through all the drawers. I eventually found a blade that was shoved in one of the drawers. I took it out and went back to my room.

After I got back to my room, I closed the door and locked it. I sat back on my bed and let the blade slide across my wrist. The blood dripped off of my wrist and onto the floor.

Ivan eventually came home about an hour after I did. I heard him walk in and I knew he would be upset to see that I was cutting so I shoved the blade under my pillow and ran into the bathroom.

I closed the door and washed off my wrist. Once all the blood was off and down the drain, I wrapped it up and pulled my sweat shirt sleeve over it.

Ivan came running upstairs before my dad came back inside to abuse him. He knocked on the bathroom door and I opened it.

"What happened to mom?" asked Ivan with tears in his eyes expecting the worst.

"She's....she's.....she's dead, Ivan!" I said pulling him into a hug.

"Wh-What?" he stuttered starting to cry.

"That bastard outside that we call a father killed her. He abused her until she couldn't take it anymore and he killed her! OUR OWN FATHER KILLED OUR MOTHER!!" I balled into his shoulder.

"Oh my god....that bastard!"

"I know....I've been thinking, to get away from all of this, we could always just run away. We would go somewhere. I'll find somewhere but I'll come home like normal and then so will you. We'll come in and get everything packed up. Then we'll either sneak out through the window or somehow the back door. You in? Whether you agree to this or not, I'm leaving. I just want you to come with me so you don't have to live this life either."

"Yea, I'm in. I'm not gonna stay here until he kills me too."

"Alright, sounds good. Let's get our stuff packed up now then we can just grab it and go tomorrow, okay? But remember only get the things you need. A few pairs of clothes, not much else really."


He broke the hug and ran down the hallway to his room. I walked across the hall to my room and grabbed 2 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, some underwear, an extra bra and my blade.

I shoved everything in a plastic Wal-Mart bag and stuck it under my bed. Then I got up and went down the hall to Ivan's room to make sure he was ready. I knocked on the door and opened it.

"Hey you ready?" I asked.

"Yea, just about." he said as he put a few other things in a bag and shoved it under his bed.

"Alright I got my clothes and stuff all packed up and ready to go for tomorrow."


I closed the door and walked back to my room. I got my blade back out and continued to let it slide back and forth across different places on my wrist.


Hey sorry I haven't been updating any of my stories lately. I've been sick, out of town for Thanksgiving, trying to get all my homework stuff done, and also believe it or not, I have a life outside of Wattpad. I know shocking right! :O Well I'll try to update as often as possibe and I'm gonna try and alternate between  my stories. So, anyways, hope you enjoyed it. :D



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