Chapter 3: Starbucks With The Derp Crew

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                                                      ~~~~~~~~~~Luna's POV~~~~~~~~~~

I awoke the next day, slightly confused. Then, I remembered the night before, where The Derp Crew talked to me, and how I became a member of the Crew. I smiled, got dressed for the day, and decided to go to Starbucks, since it was what I always did. I brushed my hair, and went to my car, and started the engine.


I was listening to a Green Day song when I arrived at Starbucks. I listened to the rest of the song, turned off the car, then got out, and went into Starbucks. I went to the Register, and ordered my usual: A Caramel Cappuccino, with a Chocolate Scone. When I got my order, I went to a table, and checked YouTube on my phone, checking for new videos from The Derp Crew. There was a Vlog on Chilled's channel. I watched it, and was shocked the entire time. It was about me being the newest member of The Derp Crew. I looked down in the comments, and many people welcomed me, and other comments were from other YouTubers, like SeaNanners and Mr. Sark. "Can't wait tom play a couple games of TTT with her! :D" Was a comment from SeaNanners. "Can't wait to meet her. :)" was a comment from Mr. Sark. I was so happy, I almost forgot about my coffee. I took a sip, and noticed a group looking at me. I looked at them, and nearly lost it. It was them! The Derp Crew! Smarty smiled at me, and started walking over towards me. Oh god, oh god, oh god, what do I do!? "Hey, there." Smarty said, with that adorable smile of his, sitting in the booth across from me. "H-Hi.." I stuttered out. "You're that "Luna" girl from yesterday on Skype, right?" Smarty asked. I nodded. "Nice to meet you. Didn't think you'd be in the same area as us." Smarty said, with a little laugh. The rest of the Crew joined. "So, you're Luna, right?" Chilled asked. I nodded. "Well, It's nice to meet the new member of The Derp Crew!" Chilled said, hugging me. Soon, it became a group hug, all of the Derps hugging me, me trying my best to hug them all back. "Hey, you're wearing a WWE shirt!" Smarty said. I looked down, and realized I was wearing a Daniel Bryan shirt. "Yes, I am." I said, smiling. Smarty grinned. "Glad to meet you, Luna." GaLm said. "Kind of odd that you were in the same area as us." Tom said, with a laugh. "So, would you like to come back with us for a bit? Get a house tour?" Ze asked. "S-Sure." I said. "Great! Let's go!" Smarty said. We finished our coffees, I finished my Scone, and we went off to the Parking Lot. We decided that I'd follow them to the house, since we couldn't leave my car here.

                                                       ~~~~~~~~~~Chilled's POV~~~~~~~~~~

After awhile, we made it to the house, with Luna behind us. We, then, exited the car, Luna following suit, and we led her to the house. We opened the door, and led her inside. "Whoa..." Luna said, when she walked in. "Big house, huh?" Ze asked, with amusement. "Yep." Luna said, in awe. "Let me show you around." I said, leading Luna around the house. I showed her the Gaming Area, the rooms, everywhere. Even the bathrooms, and the upstairs part, where our bedrooms were. Even Smarty's room. After the tour, we came back to see the guys talking about Town of Salem. "Hey, guys! Ready for some TTT?" I asked. They nodded, and we went to the Gaming Area, where we already had stuff for Luna set up.


After a few hours of recording, playing, laughing, and everything else, we stopped playing GMod stuff, and took a break with some Pizza. I kinda noticed Smarty sitting close to Luna. He must really like this girl.

                                                     ~~~~~~~~~~Ze's POV~~~~~~~~~~

After awhile, it was nighttime, so we started getting ready to sleep. "I should be going." Luna said, heading to the door. "No!" Smarty said, getting in front of the door. "Uhh...Huh?" Luna asked. "Please...stay with us for tonight." Smarty said. I noticed a faint blush on his cheeks. "A-Alright. I wouldn't be a bother...?" Luna asked. "No, not at all." Chilled said. "Alright." Luna said, with a smile. "Wait, where's she gonna sleep?" GaLm ask. "I have an extra futon in my room. She can sleep there." Smarty said. "Alright.." GaLm said.

                                                    ~~~~~~~~~~GaLm's POV~~~~~~~~~~

I don't know what Smarty's planning, but I'm thinking he's already trying to get in this girl's pants, even though we just legitly met her. He must really like this girl. I mean, I understand, since the girl he was with before broke up with him almost 5 months ago. He's been really lonely since then. I couldn't help but hear him jerking it every once in awhile, which he only did when he felt lonely, which was frequent. We all said 'good night', and went into our rooms.

                                                  ~~~~~~~~~~Tom's POV~~~~~~~~~~


I followed Ze when the others went to their rooms. As soon as we both entered, I pushed Ze against the door, and started kissing him, which he returned. The others didn't know we were together, but soon, we'd tell them. When the time was right, of course. I felt him lick my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I parted my lips, and we began fighting for dominance. I think Ze thought he was going to win, because I felt him smirk. I went down, and started rubbing him through his pants, causing him to moan, which gave me the advantage, and I gained dominance. "Dammit, Tom.." Ze said, with a chuckle. I took him over to the bed, and started straddling him, grinding our erections together, causing us to moan a bit. We started taking off each others shirts, and pants.

                                               ~~~~~~~~~~Smarty's POV~~~~~~~~~~

After awhile, I heard moaning from Ze's room. God dammit, not now! I heard Luna giggle from her futon I layed out. "What's so funny?" I asked, sitting up. "I knew they were a thing." Luna said, smiling, a bright blush on her face. "Yea, anyone who watches our videos knows that." I said, laughing. "Hey, Smarty-" Luna began, but I stopped her. "Please, call me John." I said, smiling. It was my real name. Someone as adorable as Luna should be allowed to say it. "Alright, John. Where's your girlfriend? Wouldn't she be mad if she found out you had another girl here?" Luna asked. "Oh...we broke up almost 5 months ago...." I explained. "Well, that explains why she hasn't been in recent Vlogs." Luna said. "Yea." I said, with a sigh. Out of nowhere, Luna got up, and hugged me. "Sorry about that." She said. I blushed. "It's not your fault." I said. Luna looked at me. She was blushing! Why though? Without thinking, I slowly started leaning in. She met me halfway, and we started to kiss. Soon, we broke for air. "I...I love you, John..." Luna said. " you too, Luna." I said.

((Well, I'm going to leave this chapter here! Hope you guys enjoyed! AVAN, YOU ASKED FOR THIS! ENJOY IT! XD See you guys later! ^-^))

She Fell For a Derp [TehSmarty X Avan]Where stories live. Discover now