Chapter 15: After PAX East

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                                 ~~~~~~~~~~Luna's POV~~~~~~~~~~

Well, we now have Bragging Rights, due to us winning against TeamAnt. So many people congratulated us after, even people who were supporting Ant's team! We all tweeted about the victory, even some friend's of ours, who saw it all go down! Sark, Adam, Gassy, Minx, Cry, they were talking about it on Twitter, along with so many people! After PAX East was over, after all of the Selfies with fans, signing stuff, and the Panels, we got back to the car, where Chilled drove us to the Hotel, so we could rest. We were going back to Connecticut tomorrow, and we needed the rest, to catch our flight tomorrow. As soon as we made it to the Hotel, we went in, went up to our rooms, said 'goodnight' to the others, kissed them goodnight, and went into our rooms. I plopped down onto my bed, Ze plopped down onto his bed, and GaLm plopped down onto the couch. Soon, we all dozed off.

                              ~~~~~~~~~~Chilled's POV~~~~~~~~~~

We were laying down, when I got an idea. "Guys, I got an idea." I said. "What is it?" Tom asked. "Smarty, you told me earlier that Luna gave you an extra card to her's and the others' room, right?" I asked. "Yep, I got it with me." Smarty said, sitting up, and showing the card. "How about, we kinda scare them?" I said, with a devilish smile. "That sounds like a good idea." Tom said, matching my smile. "Alright, let's do this shit!" Smarty said, grabbing the Key Card, and we went out of our room, and went to Luna's, GaLm's, and Ze's door. Smarty put the Key Card into the slot, and it opened. Thank god there wasn't a sound. We entered, and got in our places. I was beside Ze, Smarty was beside Luna, and Tom was beside GaLm. I gave the signal, and we yelled in their ear, and hugged them, and they woke up with a light scream. "Dammit, you guys!" Luna said, falling into Smarty's arms. "Did you have to do that? We might get a complaint now!" Ze said. "We figured we might surprise you guys, that's all!" Tom said, hugging GaLm. "Well, you guys might as well stay here, if you wanted to do that." GaLm said. "Actually, why don't you guys go over to our room? This room might be the complaint, you know." Smarty said. "Alright." Luna said, and she, GaLm, and Ze got up, and followed us to our room.

                             ~~~~~~~~~~Ze's POV~~~~~~~~~~

GaLm, Luna, and I followed Tom, Smarty, and Chilled into their Hotel room, and plopped down onto the beds. Thankfully, the couch extended into a bed, so GaLm and Tom could sleep together ((Not like that XD)), along with Smarty and Luna, and Chilly and me. Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep, because a fucking Pillow Fight broke out, due to Chilled throwing a Pillow at Tom. Of course, thy stayed quiet enough to where there wouldn't be any complaints, but, they were still loud enough to keep me up. "Come on, Ze, lighten up!" Smarty said, as he dodged a Pillow. "Guys, we have a flight tomorrow, I'm pretty sure we need some sleep." I said. Then, I felt myself being lifted up. I opened my eyes, and saw that Chilled was holding me, bridal style. "Come on, Ze." Chilled said, and he stood me up, and handed me a Pillow. Well...if you can't beat them, join them.

                       ~~~~~~~~~~GaLm's POV~~~~~~~~~~

After a few hours, we crashed, and fell asleep. It was Midnight when we fell asleep. Unfortunately, our flight takes off in 4 hours, so, we're only going to get 2 hours of sleep, which is going to come back, and bite us in the ass. Well, at least we have Bragging Rights, since we won the battle.


"GaLm, wake the fuck up!" I heard Chilled say. "What?" I asked, groggily. "Dude, we're about to miss out flight!" Ze said. I got up, got my bags, packed, got my shoes on, and ran out of there, followed by Ze and Chilled, following the others. We piled up in the car, after giving the Key Cards back, and Chilled hastily drove us to the Airport, which was close. Moments later, we ran into the Airport, got checked, and made it onto the Plane, with seconds to spare. We sat in our seats, catching our breath. "I told you guys." Ze said.

                      ~~~~~~~~~~Tom's POV~~~~~~~~~~

We slept the entire flight, and was awoken by the Plane landing. We grabbed our stuff, and walked to the car. Soon, we made it to the car, put our stuff in the Trunk, and got into the car. Chilled, then, drove us back to the house.


After awhile, we made it to the house. We went into the house, and immediately went to our bedrooms. We were exhausted, and we wanted to sleep some more.

                    ~~~~~~~~~~Smarty's POV~~~~~~~~~~

As soon as we got into the house, we all went to our bedrooms. When Luna and I got to our bedroom, we immediately fell asleep on the bed. Luna and I cuddled to sleep, basically. PAX East was awesome, yet the trip was exhausting. But, it was worth it. At least we have Bragging Rights and stuff.

((Well, I'm going to leave this chapter here! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Sorry if the chapter is a bit 'eh', but I had a lot to do today, and I panicked. Welp, see ya guys later! ^-^))

She Fell For a Derp [TehSmarty X Avan]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora