Chapter 13: The Battle Of The Century At PAX East (Pt. 1)

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                                     ~~~~~~~~~~Luna's POV~~~~~~~~~~

When I awoke, I was in a bed, in the Hotel. Ze was in the other bed, and GaLm was on the couch. I looked at the clock. 8AM. Then, I remembered. Today's the day for PAX East! Yesterday went by so fast, I almost forgot! I got up, got dressed, and hit Ze with a Pillow. "Oww...what the hell?" Ze mumbled. "Today's the day for PAX East! Get up!" I said. Ze's eyes opened wide, and he got up, and got dressed. "GaLm, get up!" I said. The only response I got was a snore. "I got this." Ze said, grabbing a Pillow. He went over to GaLm, and hit GaLm in the face with the Pillow. "OW! THE FUCK!?" GaLm yelled, causing me to laugh. "We gotta get going for PAX East, dammit!" Ze said, putting on his Viking Helmet. "Oh, shit!" GaLm said, getting up, and getting dressed. "Guys, Ant's updating about the battle." I said, showing them his Tweet. Ant tweeted, "In 2 hours, my team and I shall defeat The Derp Crew! Get hyped! #TeamAntFTW". "Oh, he's asking for it!" Ze said, straightening his Helmet. We heard a knock on our door. I opened it, and Chilled, Tom, and Smarty were there. "Come on, guys! We gotta get going!" Chilled said, putting on his Mario hat. We put our shoes on, and followed the others out to the car. I put my own Viking Helmet on, thanks to Ze. This was going to be awesome.

                                 ~~~~~~~~~~Chilled's POV~~~~~~~~~~

After a few moments, we made it to where PAX East was being held. We all tweeted out, "At PAX East, ready for the battle! Get hyped! #TeamDerp", before going in. Once we did, we were met with two signs: #TeamAnt and #TeamDerp. There were crowds of people by both sides. The side of "TeamDerp" immediately started to cheer for us when we entered. TeamAnt, not so much. "Oh! The Derp Crew, you're here! Follow me, please." A PAX East representative said, and we followed her. After a moment, we entered a room, which had chairs and stuff. Obviously, this is where the two teams were to meet. I remembered that Luna had her Viking Helmet on. "Luna, you're wearing a hoodie, right?" I asked. "Yea, why?" Luna asked. "Put your hoodie over your head. I wanna see how these guys will react when they realize you're a girl." I said, with a laugh. "Alright." Luna said, with a laugh. She took the Helmet off, and put her hoodie over her head. Her hair covered some of her face, so that kinda helped. Let's see how these guys'll react.

                                   ~~~~~~~~~~Ze's POV~~~~~~~~~~

"Please, take a seat." The representative said, and she left the room, and closed the door. We took our seats, sitting so our view was towards the door. "Wonder where Ant's team is...." Luna said. That's right. They weren't here yet. "Are they going to show up?" Chilled asked. "They should. Ant was the one to challenge us." Tom said. Then, the door opened, and AntVenom (His real name is Taylor), CavemanFilms (His real name is Dan), SkyDoesMinecraft (His real name is Adam), SSundee (His real name is Ian), MLGHwnt (His real name is Steve), and DeliVince (His real name is Vince) entered the room. "So, you guys actually showed up." Ant said, with a smirk. "Of course. Why wouldn't we?" I asked. Ant just rolled his eyes. "So, we have Chilled Chaos, ZeRoyalViking, Smarticus, GaLm, Tom Fawkes, and....who's that other one?" CavemanFilms asked. "Yea, who's the one in the hoodie?" DeliVince asked. Dammit. "That would happen to be Luna." Smarty said, and Luna took the hoodie off, revealing her longish Brown hair, and Brown eyes. I saw Ant's eyebrows raise, and the others kind of gasped. "Well, hello there, Luna!" Vince said, leaning over to Luna. "Umm, sorry buddy, I'm taken." Luna said, showing Smarty's and her hands intertwined. "Oh..." Vince said, backing off a bit. "Wait, we don't have a girl on our team, Ant. Will this even be fair?" Sky asked. "It'll be fine." Ant said.

                               ~~~~~~~~~~GaLm's POV~~~~~~~~~~

Soon, the representative came back. "Alright, both teams, follow me." She said, and we all followed her, but we fell back a bit, not wanting the other team to hear us. "Dude, we're actually gonna do some kind of battle. Luna, are you going to be able to?" Smarty asked. "I hope so..." Luna said. Soon, we were in a big, open space inside the building. We were handed vests, which we put on, and I looked around. There were fake knives, and other kinds of weapons around, and tunnels, and stuff. I followed the others to one side, as Ant's teams went to the other. "Welcome to the 10th Annual YouTuber Games! May the Fans be ever in your favor!" An announcer said. "Shoot, it's like the Hunger Games!" We all said at once. I looked up, and noticed a Dome over us, and there was a lot of fans. One big chunk for TeamDerp, the other for TeamAnt.

                               ~~~~~~~~~~Tom's POV~~~~~~~~~~

As I pushed my glasses back up, I heard a timer go off, and we all started running. "Guys, follow me!" Chilled said. We followed him down a pathway, and then heard 2 Cannon Shots go off. After a few moments, we stopped at a Tree. " everyone here?" Smarty asked. Ze and GaLm took count. "Wait, where's Luna?" Chilled asked. We looked around. "Oh, shit, was she one of the Cannons that went off!? Did we lose her!?" Smarty asked, panicking. Soon, we heard a rustling behind us. Chilled and GaLm stepped forward, ready to go ape shit, when Luna popped up. "Luna!" Smarty said, running to her, and hugging her. "Smarty, you're going to make me drop the stuff!" Luna said, with a laugh. Smarty went back to us, and Luna gave us each a weapon from the beginning area.

                            ~~~~~~~~~~Smarty's POV~~~~~~~~~~

Luna gave Chilled an Axe, Ze a Sword, GaLm a Machete, and Tom and I Bows with Arrows. "These are fake, remember that. Apparently, if we hit the vests, that person who got hit is out. I took out Sky and Ian back there, so they only have 3 left." Luna said. "That's my AveyBear!" I said, hugging Luna. "Alright. I think we should split up in packs, for now. I'll go with Ze, GaLm, go with Tom, and Smarty, go with Luna." Chilled said. We all nodded, and went in different directions, agreeing to meet in the beginning area after awhile. This was going to be an interesting fight.

((Well, I'm going to leave this chapter here! Hope you guys enjoyed it! There'll be more of The YouTuber Games, I wanted to leave a bit of a cliffhanger! :3 See ya later, guys! ^-^))

She Fell For a Derp [TehSmarty X Avan]Where stories live. Discover now