Chapter 4: Livestreaming And Italian Romance

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                                                      ~~~~~~~~~~Luna's POV~~~~~~~~~~

I awoke the next day, in someone's arms. I slightly looked over, and saw that the arm's were Smarty's arms. I felt myself blushing, and I smiled. I heard him yawn. "Morning, Luna." Smarty said, sleepily. "Morning." I said, still smiling. "Someone's blushing as red as Redstone over there." Smarty said, with a laugh. Damn, must be very noticeable. I laughed, and sat up, along with Smarty, who still had his arms wrapped around me. He's so adorable! We heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" Smarty said, getting out of bed. At that moment, Tom entered, along with the rest of The Derp Crew. "Morning, sleepyheads!" Chilled said, with a laugh. "Morning! What's up?" I asked. "Well, we're wanting to do a livestream! Wanna join us?" Tom asked. "HELL YEA!" Both Smarty and I said. "Well, we're gonna be streaming some Town of Salem, so be ready for some deception!" Ze said, with a chuckle. "Anyway, we should get to the store, we gotta buy some shit!" GaLm said. "Oh, that reminds me. I gotta go back to my house." I said, kind of sad. "You'll be back for the Livestream, right?" Smarty asked. "Yep! Wouldn't miss it for the world!" I said. "Alright, see you then!" Tom said. I hugged them all, gathered my bag, and went to my car. I started driving towards my house.

                                                ~~~~~~~~~~Chilled's POV~~~~~~~~~~

~10 minutes later~ (Warning: SADNESS! ;-;)

"So, this is actually going to be a 24 hour stream! So, we need food, sodas, stuff like that, so we don't crash during the stream!" I said. "Oh god. At least I have people with me this time!" Tom said, causing us all to laugh. "Umm, guys? I just got a text from Luna." Ze said. "What did she say?" Smarty asked, a bit of worry in his voice. "She's coming back here. Something happened. That's all I know." Ze said. "What do you think happened?" I asked. "I don't know...I hope she's alright, though..." Smarty said. Then, we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I said, walking to the door. I opened the door, and almost fell onto the floor. It was Luna. She was hugging me, tears streaming down her face. "L-Luna! What's wrong?" I asked, as the others ran into the room. "G-Guys...turn on the news..." Luna said, through sobs. Smarty ran to the front room, and we all followed him, and he turned on the T.V, to the news. There was a burning house. "Reports are saying that this could be a possible arson, but we're not too sure. The owner of the house came over, and Firefighters were able to give her some of her belongings, which survived the fire." The reporter said. We didn't hear the rest, because Smarty changed the channel. "Was that your house?" Tom asked. Luna simply nodded. Smarty hugged her, along with us all.

                                                ~~~~~~~~~~Ze's POV~~~~~~~~~~

"Where are you going to go now?" GaLm asked. "I don't know...all I know is...I'm not homeless." Luna said. "Wait, you could live with us!" Smarty said. "A-Are you sure?" Luna asked, looking at all of us. "Yea, you should! It's the least we could do!" I said, the others agreeing. "Alright." Luna said, with a small smile. "Alright. Let's start this 24 hour Livestream!" Chilled said. "Wait, what!?" Luna said. 

                                          ~~~~~~~~~~GaLm's POV~~~~~~~~~~

I feel bad for Luna. She lost her house. But, at least she's staying with us. At least she isn't staying on the streets, which would suck. I talked to Chilled earlier, and we were going to do this stream for Luna, since she lost so much in the fire. The only things that were saved were her Wii U, laptop, and some clothes. Chilled and I agreed that the stream should be a Charity Livestream for Luna, to help her out. "Alright! Time to start up the stream!" Chilled said, tweeting it out. We got into our positions in the Gaming Area, and started the Livestream. People were piling into the chat. "Hey, everyone! Welcome to the stream!" I said. Many people i the chat asked questions.

'how long is this stream?' - SmutLover

'Who's that girl with you guys?' - DerpyGamer


"This stream will be 24 hours long." Chilled said. "This girl is "Luna". She's new to YouTube, and she's an awesome person." Smarty said, hugging her. "The meaning of life? Balloonicorn." Tom said, holding up Balloonicorn. "Alright! First, we'll be playing some Town of Salem!" Luna said, with a smile.


"Fuck!" Chilled yelled. "Well, Chilled's dead. Only Luna and Smarty are left of us." Ze said. "Yep! We got this, Luna!" Smarty said. The next night came around quickly. There was Luna, Smarty and another person left. "Little did you guys know, I'm the Serial Killer!" Luna said, when the night ended. "Wait, what!?" We all said. Smarty and Luna were the only ones alive now. "Aw, shit." Smarty said. Time went by, and Luna won. "GG!" We all said.

                                                 ~~~~~~~~~~Tom's POV~~~~~~~~~~

After 4 hours in, we played Town of Salem for awhile, Cat Mario, and we sang a bit. Luna actually has the voice of an angel. We were all given the challenge to sing "All Of Me" by John Legend, and she, by far, won everyone over. "Alright, we're gonna take a quick break to eat, enjoy Balloonicorn!" I said, placing Balloonicorn into the chair. We went to the Kitchen, and got some Pizza and Soda. "The stream's going good so far." Chilled said, with a smile. "Yea, it is." Smarty said. I looked over at Smarty and Luna, and noticed them feeding each other Pizza. Like a couple. They look so cute together. I noticed a Rose in Luna's hair. That wasn't there before. Smarty, you romantic, Italian bastard.

                                             ~~~~~~~~~~Smarty's POV~~~~~~~~~~

I gave Luna a Rose earlier. I said it reminded me of her, which made her blush. I can't believe I'm with Luna.....It's awesome. After a few minutes, we got back to the stream. "Everyone! We have some stuff we'd like to make clear!" Chilled said. Hmm? "One thing! me and GaLm are a thing, dammit! And, Tom and Ze are a thing, as well as Smarty and Luna! Enjoy it!" Chilled said. The chat exploded with hashtags, 'congrats!', and other things. With that, I kissed Luna, Tom kissed Ze, and Chilled kissed GaLm, causing the chat to explode, and millions of donations to pile up. This is an awesome Livestream to be apart of. I have the girl of my dreams, the Derps are together with one another. How can this get any better?

((Well, I'm going to leave this chapter here! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Sorry that this took awhile, stuff happened, and....well, some of you know what caused me to take awhile with this one. Sorry about that! See ya guys later! ^-^))

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