Chapter 11: Planning And PAX East

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                                            ~~~~~~~~~~Luna's POV~~~~~~~~~~

It's been a week since Chilled, GaLm, and Smarty proposed, and since I announced my pregnancy, and we've gotten tons of support from the fans, and whatnot. Even other YouTubers have congratulated us. YouTubers like Tyler Oakley, Markiplier, AmazingPhil, Danisnotonfire, and so on. Even friends have congratulated us, like Sark, Adam, Gassy, Minx, Cry, Krism, and more! I was completely shocked by the support, and everything. Even the guys were shocked at how much support there was. We were planning to go to PAX East soon, so there was excitement for that! I was eating some Pizza, when Smarty walked in. "Hey, sweets!" Smarty said, kissing me, which I returned. "Hey, Smarty." I said, smiling. "We just got the passes for PAX East, so that's covered. We're going to do a Livestream to help with the costs for actually going to PAX East, so be ready for that tonight!" Smarty said, smiling. "Awesome, can't wait!" I said. Then, the others came in. "Hey, guys! Ready for the Livestream?" Chilled asked. "Yep!" Smarty and I said. "What's the target again?" GaLm asked. "The Target amount of donation money we need is....about $2,400." Ze said. "Well, at least it's going to be a 24 hour Livestream, so that'll be plenty of time, right?" Tom asked. "Hopefully!" Smarty said.

                                         ~~~~~~~~~~Chilled's POV~~~~~~~~~~

After awhile, we got settled in the Gaming Area, got the computers working, and announces on Twitter that we were about to do a 24 hour Livestream. We started streaming on Twitch, and people poured into the chat. "Hey, guys!" We all said, as many people said "Hello!". "Alright! We're beginning this stream by playing some 'Town Of Salem'!" Luna said, as we pulled it up. "Alright, I'm gonna call it, Ze and Luna are gonna be some sort of team!" GaLm said.


"Dammit! I knew it!" GaLm said, after being killed by the Mafia, followed by laughter from Luna and Ze. The chat filled with "Never trust the "ZeRoyalLuna" duo", "CALLED IT!", and many other things, that were hilarious. "I think ZeRoyalLuna's becoming a thing now!" Smarty said, with a laugh. "Well, I ship it!" I said, causing the others to laugh, and gaining a reaction from the chat.

                                                ~~~~~~~~~~Ze's POV~~~~~~~~~~

After Luna and I won that round, we all continued playing for awhile. After two hours, we took a break. "Alright, we're gonna go on a quick commercial break! See you all in a bit, enjoy Balloonicorn!" Tom said, placing Balloonicorn in a chair. We got some water, and some food. "Already 2 hours in!" I said, with a smile. "And, so far, we have $450 in donations! We're getting there!" Smarty said. "Yep, we're getting there." GaLm said. We went back into the Gaming Room, and took our seats. "Alright, now, we're going to play 'Mario Kart 8'!" I said, as we pulled it up on our Wii-U's. I noticed some of the people in chat saying "Oh, god! Get ready for the salt!", which made me laugh. "How much do you wanna bet that salt's going to fly during this?" Luna said, causing us all to laugh. "Alright....200CC, Teams, Frantic Mode, No COM, All Vehicles.....alright, there we go!" Smarty said, making the game. Then, we picked the tracks. I was pondering over a track, when Chilled started protesting. "GaLm, what the fuck!?" Chilled said. I picked a track, and realized that GaLm had picked Rainbow Road. Luna chose it as well, and the game happened to pick Rainbow Road. Then, we saw the teams, which were Luna, Smarty, and GaLm, against Chilled, Tom, and Myself. "Alright, we got this, guys!" Luna said.

                                             ~~~~~~~~~~GaLm's POV~~~~~~~~~~

For 2 hours, we raced on Mario Kart 8. There wasn't too much salt, but it actually flew every now and then. "Alright, we're on hour 4, and we're going to take a quick break, enjoy Balloonicorn!" Tom said, as he placed Balloonicorn in the chair. We went to the Kitchen, and drank some water, and ate some stuff. Luna ate more, because, well, the baby, and everything. "The stream's going pretty well!" Chilled said, taking a sip of water. "Yea, we already have $1,000 in donations!" Ze said, with a smile. "They must really want us to go to PAX East!" Luna said, with a laugh. "Pretty much!" Smarty and Tom said, with a smile. Soon, we went back into the Gaming Room, and got into our seats. "Alright, next game we will be playing is 'TTT'!" Chilled said, as we started the game up.

                                             ~~~~~~~~~~Tom's POV~~~~~~~~~~

After awhile, we played TTT, Murder, You Touched It Last, Prop Hunt, and Stop It Slender. 14 hours in, and We reached our goal. We currently have $2,400, due to some of the members in chat getting crazy with donations. During one of the breaks, we started talking about how hyped we were to be going to PAX East this year, and what we planned on doing there. I'm really excited, that's for sure!

                                           ~~~~~~~~~~Smarty's POV~~~~~~~~~~

Welp, we reached the goal half way through the stream! Near the end of the stream, we almost crashed, but everyone in the chat kept donating, causing us to stay awake.


"Alright, guys! That's a wrap for this livestream! Time for the hibernation!" Ze said. We sent them to raid Diction's stream, and ended the stream. Within moments, we were all in our own beds, my arms around Luna, and we all fell asleep.

((Well, I'm going to leave this chapter here! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Sorry that the chapters are lagging behind, I've been thinking about awesome stuff for you guys, and such. Thanks for being patient! See ya guys later! ^-^))

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