Chapter 14: The Battle Of The Century At PAX East (Pt. 2)

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                                ~~~~~~~~~~Luna's POV~~~~~~~~~~

After awhile, Smarty and I were close to the beginning area. "Hey, I found something!" Smarty said, looking in a bush. He had found an Axe. "Wait, Luna, you don't have a weapon, do you?" Smarty asked. "No, I only got stuff for you and the guys." I said. "Well, take the Axe! I don't want you to get taken out." Smarty said, handing me the Axe, which I took. He's so sweet and adorable. We looked around, and heard more Cannons go off. "Who do you think got out..?" I asked. "I don't know...hopefully, not one of the others..." Smarty said. Later on, the surroundings turned dark, and those who were taken out were shown: Sky, SSundee, CavemanFilms....and Ze. "Ze!? He was taken out!? How!?" Smarty asked, more to himself. I wonder how Chilled's feeling about this....

                               ~~~~~~~~~~Chilled's POV~~~~~~~~~~

"DAMN YOU, ANT!" I yelled with all my might. How he was able to take Ze out, I'll never know. We were jumped by Dan and Ant. I was able to take Dan out, but....Ant got to Ze before I could save him. They were taken up to the surface of the Dome, where they were to spectate until the Games were over. I was chasing after Ant, but I ran into some people. "Ow, what the hell?!" A familiar voice said. "Tom? GaLm?" I asked. "Chilled?" They both said. I hugged them both, glad to have found them. "Wait, where's Ze?" Tom asked. "He was taken out...." I said. "Oh, shit.." GaLm said. They must've not seen the Showing. "Alright, we have to find Smarty and Luna, before they get to them." GaLm said. Tom and I nodded, and we started walking in the direction we remembered Smarty and Luna going. Hopefully, they were alright.

                                    ~~~~~~~~~~Ze's POV~~~~~~~~~~

As I spectated the battle, along with the rest of TeamDerp, I looked along the screens of the others. Apparently, there were screens, so you could spectate certain people on the team you're rooting for. I mainly looked at Chilled's screen. Thank god, he found GaLm and Tom. I took a look on Smarty's screen. Him and Luna were going alright, and they were currently in the middle, looking for more stuff. I looked back at Chilled's screen, and him, Tom, and GaLm were booking it, running towards something. Soon, I saw them, and they were standing, face to face, with Steve and Ant.

                                 ~~~~~~~~~~GaLm's POV~~~~~~~~~~

We began running, because the middle was in sight, and I saw Smarty and Luna there. When we were close, we stopped. There, blocking us off from Smarty and Luna, were Ant and Steve. "Well, well, well. Looks like the prey came right to us." Steve said, waving an Axe around. "You're gonna eat those damn words!" Chilled said, charging at both guys. Tom and I followed, helping him out. Ant and Steve almost took me out, but, luckily, I had two swords, so I blocked the attack, and pushed them away. Tom took Steve out, and his Cannon went off. Unfortunately, Ant took Chilled out after.

                                 ~~~~~~~~~~Tom's POV~~~~~~~~~~

As soon as I took Steve out, Ant took Chilled out. His Cannon went off. 2 left on Ant's team, and 4 left on ours. Should be easy. Chilled and Steve were taken up to their sides. I was able to see Chilled and Ze hug, and hear the fans freak out. "So, 4 left to take down." Ant said, holding his Bow close by. "Wait...where's the other one?" GaLm asked. Then, we heard a scream. A scream I knew too well, along with GaLm, and Chilled, and Ze, and Smarty. Luna's. Soon after that, we heard a Cannon go off, and I completely lost my shit.

                            ~~~~~~~~~~Smarty's POV~~~~~~~~~~

Luna screamed, and I saw that Vince had followed us. He was aiming at Luna, with one of the fake Bows. Without thinking, I started running towards Vince, not wanting Luna to get taken out. I blocked and dodged some of the arrows, and me and him started fighting with the Fake Swords. After a bit, I felt some wind go by me, and saw a Fake Arrow hit Vince's vest, and his Cannon went off, along with 2 others. Luna had shot one of the arrows at Vince, and took him out. Luna ran over to me, and hugged me. "Is it over?" She asked. After that, the screen showed up, and showed who was out. Me and Luna were the only ones left on out team. Ant was the only one left on his team. He just took out Tom and GaLm. "Welp, I just gotta take two little Pigs out, and we'll win." I heard Ant say. He was right behind us. We both started backing away a bit, our weapons in hand. My attention was more focused on Luna, I didn't realize that Ant shot my vest with an Arrow, until my Cannon went off. At that point, Luna started running, Ant chasing after her. I couldn't do anything, I was out! I thought Luna was done. Until, she threw a Sword at Ant's vest, and it hit. Ant's Cannon went off, and the signal went off. We won! "TeamDerp wins!" The announcer said, and the fans on our end cheered. Luna was taken up to the rest of us, and we all hugged her. She won it for us. The battle was finally over!

((Well, I'm going to leave this chapter here! Hope you guys enjoyed! In case you're all confused, I got bored, and wanted to do something like this in this story! I had to! See ya guys later! ^-^))

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