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I wake to the sound of whispers. My eyes slowly open. At first everything is blurry, then it starts clearing up. I see many people surrounding me. I try getting up but I cannot. I am in too much pain. I ache everywhere. The crowd splits to allow someone to come to the front. I stare at the strong features of his face. He seems relatively human, unlike those hunting dogs that had attacked me. I look at all the others they also seem human. Who are they?

The guy speaks up, "My name is Clayton. You were being attacked by Savages when I saw you. I can tell you are from the society. You are not broken, nor viscous. If you left the society, go back. If not, you will stay or learn some survival skills before you go become one of them."

I look up at him when he stops. Who are the Savages? Who is 'them'? Are they the hunting dogs who attacked? "Who are you? Why am I here? What makes you better than those hunting dogs? What do you mean broken," my voice just a whisper.

"I told you. We protect those around us. Here, all there is survival. You become broken a few days. Hunger, poisoning, death and loneliness surround your very being. Your only source of food is your own kind. The water that falls from the sky becomes the cleanest thing you will ever drink again. Drink too much you die. You fight to survive. That is what it means to be broken," Clayton's voice strong and unwavering.

Tears gather in my eyes. I know in this world all there is survival. Can there be anything else? I look down at my feet and the first tear falls. Then the next and the next. We live to become the pawns of others. The only way we can avoid that fate is making others your pawns. Finally, I understand what it is to live. You fight, holding onto your last breath, until you are reaped of it.

The tears that once were a simple shower become a thunderstorm. No one in that room tries to comfort me. Most probably went through the same thing. Realizing you are worth nothing to no one. It hurts.

Clayton speaks up, "Answer me, are you to become a Savage or a Nomad?"

I accept suggestions. So suggest away. I would love to hear what you think about this so far. Please leave any suggestions in the comments. Thanks.

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