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I fall into a dreamless sleep. When I wake I notice a chair within the room. I look at it carefully. The room plays in different tones. The floor is different. From tile to polished wood. Where am I?

I get up and notice that the door is also different. I walk towards the door with unsteady legs. The door before was ornate and made out of wood. It was beautiful. Now, the door is steel. There is no way to open it from the inside. My body feels groggy. I don't understand Why I am here

My legs give out and I fall rapidly to the floor. I do not understand what is happening. My body has never been weak enough to fall without some type of force. There is no way that this can be happening. Where the hell am I?

My mind begins to slowly fade away to darkness. I keep trying to pull myself out of this hole that I have been put into. I have trouble. I am being pulled towards the darkness. The unknown seems so safe. You naively go through it without worries. It contains no protection, but you know something is there. Something you may destroy or destroyed by it. If you think like this, the unknown brings you relief.

No one knows how powerful you are. They cannot see you. They wander around as you do. Security of the unknown, also brings the fear of what you will encounter. You cannot take a step without self-assurance, because if you falter your death may come and bring more pain along with it.

I hear a sound of a door opening. I see a silhouette of a woman walk in. The click of her heels echo in my head. They sound like dominos falling down. One after the other. Just click, click, click. Lined up in a perfect line. Just continue to fall. Click, click, click. Then coming to an abrupt stop.

She looks at me. Smirks and the dominos begin to fall once again. Click, click, click. They pause and the figure turns towards me again. She shakes her head. Then once again, click, click, click. The clicking stops and the sound of the door opening fills the room. Click, click, click. The sound of the door shutting. The light gives up and releases me to the darkness.

I wake to the door opening. Click, click, click. Then, there is a new sound. Not quite like the dominos. The dominos are repetitive. This sound is more of sluggish and uneven sound, tap, tap, clack, tap. The dominos start once more. Click, click, click. Followed by tap, clack, tap, tap, clack.

It comes to a stop and I open my eyes. The bright light blinds me. The woman looks at me. I try getting up. My body keeps refusing to do what my mind tells it. I hear one of them laugh. It is more of a sadistic laugh at my tries.

"Don't try. You have enough drugs in your system to keep you from being able to think properly. To be completely honest, I am not sure why you haven't died yet. You haven't had food in your system for days," the woman says mockingly.

Her face nears mine. Her breath smells of mint. I breathe it in. It smells like home. My mom used to chew gum that smelled like mint. Her heels used to click. I look at the woman's eyes. My mom used to have green eyes like she.

I look carefully and I begin falling asleep once again. Then I hear the woman say, "Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the monsters bite."

I smile. My mom used to say that all the time right before I fell asleep. My eyes close and realization hits me. I lay there. Then, click, click, tap, click, tap, tap, clack, click, click, click. Then the door slams shut.

BrokenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora