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I just stare at the floor unable to think of doing anything. I don't understand the reason I was left here. How am I supposed to prepare? How am I going to hunt without knowing what we are hunting? Clayton comes in. He smiles at me knowingly. He knows I have no idea what I am doing. He enjoys my confusion.

"Well, there was no way to tell how much time that has passed. There is no such thing as time in nature. I only said that to make you comfortable. Okay, I hope you are ready. Mentally of course, you can't prepare physically. Don't die. It would be sad to die on your first hunt," he says.

I look down. It would be embarrassing to die. I am not going to die. Not until I am ready to. I will destroy everything that will hinder me from surviving. With this in mind I get up and put on the best face that I can.

As Clayton looks at one of the spears, I walk towards him. "You will be surprised," he says. He hands me the spear within his hands and walks out of the room. I look at the spear. It is made of wood and the tip has been sharpened to a fine point. What did he mean that I would be surprised?

Clayton comes in once again. Trailing behind are some of the strongest Nomads within this place. I realized that only the strong can hunt. Will I see a Savage? Am I strong enough to fight a Savage? I look strait at the strongest one of them all. I don't know his name but his scars are proof enough he needs respect. I look at the woman to his right, her muscles, scars and demeanor tells me that I shouldn't mess with her.

I look at every person in this room. These are the warriors of the Nomads. They protect us. Why am I here? Is this what everyone has to go through to become a Nomad? I notice their looks. They look at me as if they are satisfied with my presence.

The strongest one comes to comes toward me. He looks me up and down. He says, "So this will be the new warrior. Congratulations. Not many become warriors."

I look at him confused. What does he mean I am going to be a warrior? Why me of all people? I am weak. Will I become like one of them? They all seem so hardened, and strong. How long will it take to become like one of them?

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