The Hunt

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Clayton gathers us all up. We walk into the Desolate Sea. I know where we are. I look at all the buildings around me. I realize this is where I was left to die. We keep moving. Every step I take I feel as if it will be my last. I hear the breathing of the others. Some of them are calm and others are anticipating the upcoming hunt.

I hear something similar to a battle cry. All of us turn around to a pack of, what I believe are, Savages. I can hear the Nomad next to me cuss underneath his breath. All of them go into a fighting stance. I try mimicking them. Why are there so many?

"Look at the mighty Nomads," one of the Savages howls to the others. The others bark with laughter. I see one of them that looks about my brother's age. Who is he? I stare at him. He looks as if he has seen a ghost. I notice he is staring at me. His eyes are sunken in. He looks similar. Who does he belong to?

He looks like Kyle, my neighbor. I look at him a bit more carefully. He is my neighbor's brother. When was he taken away?

Clayton yells and everyone starts going towards the pack of Savages. I run with them. How dare they hurt me? I was just thrown into this world. I did not know the rules. Now I do. I will kill them. As many of those hungry wolves, as I can. I grasp on the spear and run faster. I will win. We will win.

I get close to one. Her eyes are deadly. Her stare shoots daggers at us. Her mouth is up in a snarl. She tries to grab my spear and I move even faster. The impact with her body is terrifying. The spear enters her body. I continue to push through the mass. She goes limp and I tear out the spear from the helpless corpse. I smile from the adrenaline that goes through me. I run and take the souls of the other snarling beasts. I laugh every time I kill one. There is so much power going through me.

Something rips into my shoulder. I look back. There is a Savage ripping me apart. I look at him. I try to get away from his grasp. I look at the scene in front of me. Here I am within a battlefield fighting with the winning team. I am losing my own war though. Will I survive this?

My body has no say as I fall towards the ground. I tighten the hold of the spear. The Savage flips me over and I dig the spear into his chest. I can feel his breath becoming weaker. Finally his body falls on top of mine. I push him off of me.

I try getting up. My body just collapses underneath the weight of my aching body. I will not die. I will not die. Laughter fills my lungs. No, I will not die. The strongest Nomad comes towards me. He helps me up and bring me back to the building we came from. He takes me to the nearest room.

He yells in the hallway. Someone rushes in to the room. She looks at me and nods her head. I notice I still have the spear grasped in my hands. I let go of it. My eyes start getting heavy. I slowly feel myself going unconscious. I smile and then everything goes dark.

Just to let you know this is not the end.

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