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Vanity destroyed the beauty they had. We destroyed them. After we destroyed them, we left them to die. Even when we left them to die, we lost all the artistic beauty in the world. It was replaced by the beauty of death and destruction.

I look at the letter in my hands and the pile of them next to me. This one letter in my hand gave me all the knowledge that was kept away from me. I can't stand the thought this was possible. Weeks I have been in this wilderness of broken building and I cannot stand the thought of going back to Dohean.

Dohean was oppressive. I felt free once I was stripped away from society and brought to reality and freedom. Reality is harsh, but the freedom has made up for it. I am still alive. I will remember what she had written to her daughter.

I set down the first letter and I grab the second. My eyes are heavy. I try to read the words. I cannot. My body is needs sleep. My eyelids keep closing and lulling me into a light sleep. I need to find a place I can rest. I look through the rooms.

There are five rooms in the building. There is the one with the two corpses and the other with the tools. The other three are empty. I walk into the empty room and lay down on the floor. I remember when I was younger, I used to lay down on my bed and complain about the feeling of it. I was so stupid back then. Now I lay down on the floor, feeling bliss every time I do.


My eyes open to screams. My throat feels coarse. I see Clayton running to me. Alex and Evan behind him. Something is on me. I can feel a blade going into me. Kyle is running towards me with a spear. I yell Clayton's name as loud as I can.

He will not reach me in time. My body hot from the pain. I see Alex run into Kyle. Kyle skids across the concrete. The spear goes flying. Why is this happening? I look at the face of the person who continues to drive the sharpened blade into me. His face is of a hungry dog. He is a Savage.

He is skin and bones. His skin contains so many scars. I cringe at the sight of him. If feel pity towards him. He is an untamable beast. Hungry, he grew every day. Did he belong to Espington or Dohean?

I stare at the boy's face. He was my savior. He came back to kill me. He came back to eat me. I was his food. I was stolen by the Nomads. Why are the Nomads so cruel to the Savages? Tears fall down my cheeks. I was meant to feed him. His body is just skin and bones. He is scared of going hungry.

Kyle begins to get back up. Why is he here again? He was leaving back to Dohean. He said that it was too deep for them to continue on. I feel the poor boy being pulled off of me. Alex is standing above me with a spear pointed to my chest. Why is this happening? I feel as if I am fading.

Clayton comes near me and puts a sharp knife-like rock near my throat. He is supposed to protect me. Evan walks causally towards me. He looks at me. His eyes greedy from blood lust. My heart beats faster. I am not going to survive this. Clayton puts the knife-like rock on the skin and begins to pierce my skin.

My heart begins to slow down. The blood continues to pour out of my neck. Evan opens his mouth and begins to laugh. His smile playing across his lips. I am dying. They saved me and protected me. Now, I am dying because they are destroying me. Alex pierces the last of my lifeline with the spear. It rips through my upper body.


I wake up. My body sweats frantically. I want them off. I want to live. My mind continues playing tricks on me. I try falling back to sleep. Every moment my heart pounds to think that they could betray me.

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