Naked Feelings

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I collapse somewhere. The buildings all look the same. Everything looks the same. It is always the same. My body aches. I can feel the drug working its way out of my system. I throw up and I remember the look of the blood that was splattered on the window. All the patterns. Some parts of the patterns glittered and shined. A smile begins to grow on my face. Crimson is such a beautiful color.

My thoughts are interrupted with a dry heave. The feeling goes away. My thoughts return to the wondrous sight of one taking their own life. They are released of pain and misfortune that world has given them. I try to remember the man's features, but all I seem to recall is the gun being held to his head and the blood splattering across the windshield. He becomes nothing more than a corpse with features distorted from the bullet piercing his skull.

I try taking in my surroundings. The sun is getting lower as the day progresses. The cold gently nibbling at my skin. The suit keeps me so warm. I want to take off the mask when I notice a group of people rushing towards the area I am at. I head sways to the side. I try getting up slowly. One of them spots me and comes rushing at me. His spear in hand, he looks at my body greedily. I look at him. He smirks. My head falls back. The world goes lack.


I wake to whispers. I feel cold air against my body. My eyes slowly open. I look around. I am naked. People surround me. I see a face. His face so strikingly beautiful. I go down from the roots of his hair to the tip of his chin. A name pops in my head. Evan. I missed him.

He notices that I am awake and come to help me up. His hand touches my naked shoulder. He helps me sit up. He looks at my face in relief. Clayton comes into view. He looks at Evan. Evan leaves my side.

Clayton comes closer. His eyes full of anger. He turns to the others and he becomes a fire. Everyone shuffles out of the room only leaving me alone with an ever growing flame. He smiles and laughs. He looks me in the eye and shakes his head.

"Tori Anna, look at the precious warrior. Here you sit, naked, in front of me. I thought you were dead, but here you sit in front of me. Look at your frame, what did they do to you? You have been lying down, right where you sit right now, for days. I am surprised you even have a brain with you. They probably drugged you so much you didn't even know your own name."

I look at him and say, "I didn't."

He smirks, "Stupid little girl."

"Yes, I know. I don't know how to take care of myself."

"Tori Anna, well we have to put it to a vote. I am not sure, if you can be of any use in the Nomads anymore."

I look down at my hands. It saddens me that I am useless. I have always been useless. Tears swell in my eyes. I should be used to this. Is it right for me to sit here and cry even though I know I am useless?

My eyes look up. Clayton is looking at me. He shakes his head. He mutters something, which I am unable to hear and he strides out of the room. Alex walks in. I look at him and I blush a bit. Why is he in here?

He comes up to me and hands me some clothing. I take the clothing from his hands and get up. Piece by piece I put on the clothing. My hands shake a bit. Once they are on, Alex spreads his arms and gives me a hug. I never felt so much comfort from a hug.

The tears that were in my eyes seem to fade away. My body begins to lean into his. I look at his face. He smiles and releases me. Though I am not released from the grasp of the comfort he provided.

I look around. The walls seem so sturdy as if they were to get hit they wouldn't tumble. Alex groans a bit and I look at him. His eyes pierce mine.

"Tori Ana, I am sorry to say this, but you have a small chance at staying. The Nomads don't need anyone that will do them harm. I know you won't directly harm them, but there are some reasons why you would be a loose cannon."

He looks me up and down,smirks,  turns around, walks towards the door, turns the nob, swings the door opens, walks out, swings the door shut, and all that there is left is the horrifying sound of the lock being clicked into place.

I know this is long over due. I got grounded. I am sorry. I truly am. I am going to try to get another chapter today. I am so sorry. Thank you for reading this long and over due chapter. Please comment any suggestions/reviews you have. It would be nice to know where you want this to go.

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