A Father

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I wake up. I look at my body. It has been about three weeks and I remain locked up. Alex comes in. I look up and smile at him. He smiles back. I put my hand on my ever growing stomach. I left that place. I look at my hand. Something is growing within me.

A creature damned to this earth. A lonely soul that knows nothing more than the cruel horrors of life. Nothing more than a mere human against nature. We were once powerful, but we brought destruction upon ourselves. We flee from the damned and doom ourselves.

I start to play with the shimmering locket that lays on my body. I finally understand what the word 'DOOM" meant, it was a symbol for power and vanity, now it is a symbol for what has doomed us all.

Evan comes in and interrupts my thoughts. He smiles at me. He carries a plate of food. He sets it down and I grab the meat. He looks at me. I bring the meat up to my face and bite into it. His head cocks to the side as he studies me. I can feel his eyes on me. I stop eating and look up to him. He smiles.

"You know your frontal lobe is supposed to hold most of your personality. A bit of damage there can destroy your personality. Be careful. You are an amazing and strong person. Your child will be lucky to have a mother like you," he smiles shyly and looks down.

"It sucks to be born in this world. We are in a chess match with our own humanity; we are winning. As we win the less we see. The less we have to loose. We are not humans, Evan. We were once advanced, now we are what we were meant to be. We are becoming whole again. It is not in human nature to care for others. We must live as what we were once were. We failed. We must go back and try again, but it will be too late. Too late for our species. This child has no father and no perfect life. A nightmare that one has no other way of living. No safety and I can't do anything about it."

"Tori Ana, the child has us. You, Clayton, the people of the Nomads, and a father figure, me. If you allow me, I will be the infant's father for as long as I live."

I look at him and nod my head and he smiles. Is this really what he wants? A child from someone he care nothing for. I feel hopeless. I am nothing to this world, yet I brought another failed attempt to human life, that I am not sure I will be able to take care of myself.

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