1. The Beginning

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I stand at the barrier and breathe heavily.

I push my trolley of supplies towards the brick wall, waiting for something amazing to happen.

I close my eyes tightly and run.

Then I slow down.

I open my eyes and see the glimmering Hogwarts Express, shiny and red.

I smile, knowing that this is my next 7 years.

Mum comes out of the barrier behind me with Dad, and my annoying little brother Frankie.

He is so loud. Sometimes I just can't stand him.

But at least I won't have to see him for the rest of the year!

Mum gives me a big hug.

She looks a bit sad. But she's smiling, so it's a good sad.

I see all of Mum's old friends come towards us.

I board the train quickly to avoid conversation and wave out the window, as it starts moving.

When we can't see the parents no more, I find a compartment to stay in for the train ride.

I find one with only one person in it.

I raise my eyebrows in a can-I-sit-here? way.

"Sure," she says.

The girl is called Zara, but she says she likes being called Birdy.

"That's a funny name. But it suits you." I say, quietly.

"What's your name?" she says, rather loudly.

Like Frankie.

"April." I whisper.

"You don't talk very loudly, do you?"

I shrug my shoulders.

She sighs.

"I wonder what house I'm gonna be in? My mum and dad were in Gryffindor, so that's a possibility, but I'd really like to be in Hufflepuff. What about you? Hmm... you look like a Ravenclaw. Very intelligent. But you look brave too. What would you want to be in?"

"Gryffindor..." I whisper.

"That would suit you best. What were your parents in?"


"Ah. But remember. The Sorting Hat takes into account whatever you want to be in, and sometimes you can choose. But even halfway through your school life you can change. My mum did, she was a Slytherin at first and then she got changed to a Gryffindor! How cool is that?"

I raise my eyebrows in agreement.

A boy comes in and says hello.

He looks like a Malfoy.

Bleach blonde hair, ice blue eyes, Mum has told me about them.

She said they only used to be bad, but they're not actually that bad once you get to know them.

"Eddie Malfoy." He sticks out his hand. "You are?"

"April Finnigan," I say quietly, shaking his hand.

He turns to Birdy.

"And who- oh, don't tell me. Red hair, hand me down robes..."

Birdy swallows.

"You must be a Weasley."


When the train ride finishes, I hear a really loud voice that catches my attention.

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