2. Eddie and Christmas

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That evening, I sit in my dorm after the last lesson.

We don't have homework for anything, but we probably will tomorrow.

An owl comes to the window. It's open, so she sits on the windowsill.

She sticks out her leg, so I untie the letter attached.

Dear April,

How's it going at Hogwarts? We hope you're alright and have made some friends.

How was your first night? Did you stay up? Or did you just read...?

We hope you can try out for the Quidditch team, whatever house you're in.

Oh! What house are you in? Whatever house you're in, you'll be fine.

Mum and Dad.

How nice! I knew they would send a letter, because Mum is that kind of person.

I wonder how she's coping? With me gone?

I find some parchment and a quill and start to write.

Dear Mum and Dad,

Thank you for the letter! I knew you would do that because of what you're like.

I'm Gryffindor, so family is pretty important! I don't think I'll try out for Quidditch though, I'm a bit young.

I've got a friend called Birdy, but her real name is Zara Weasley. A boy sat on the train with us too, his name is Eddie Malfoy.

He's not so bad, but he got put in Slytherin.

Again, family. He told me his mother was a Gryffindor, so I don't know what happened there.

I didn't stay up all night, I knew that if I didn't I would get some sleep. My first day was AMAZING! We learnt so much, and the subject I found easiest was Transfiguration.

I'll letter you again soon, but until then, adios!


I roll it up and tie it to the owl's leg. She flies off in a honey-golden blur, and I sit beside the window, staring out at the beautiful landscape.


About half an hour later, I find myself being poked in the arm numerous times by an impatient Birdy.

"Why are you reading? It's - it's nice! Everywhere else!"

"The question is, why aren't you reading?" I mutter into the page, half-reading.

She grunts and walks back out.

I put my bookmark in and close the book once she's out of earshot, and I look out the window. My long hair dangles out of the window.

I see Eddie playing some game with his 'friends'. He looks up at me and smiles.

He gives me a nod and I run down to him.

"Hey," he says.

He's moved to a spot just under a tree without his mates.

"Hey," I reply.

There's a moment of awkward silence until he breaks it.

"So... what did you think of your first day here?"

"Brilliant. Absolutely," I say. "You?"

"Mm... alright I suppose, some of the professors seem a little... er..."

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