23. New romàunt (and tongues)

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I sigh.

Oh, life.

I promised to meet Scorpius in the corridor before breakfast so I clamber out of the portrait-hole and see him standing about 10 feet away, leaning against the wall.

"Ap- Alyssa!"

He leans off the wall and comes toward me.

He hugs me, even though I saw him yesterday.

"I want to go out with you," he says.

Which is exactly what I was thinking.

"Yes. Yes!"

He kisses me on the cheek, and I blush.

I can't believe this.

Ah, this is just too good.

"We are absolutely not telling Eddie, alright?"

"Absolutely not," I say. "You might want to go back to the Slytherin tower, people might think it's a bit suspicious that you're walking around Gryffindor."

"You're right. See you!" he says as he walks away.


I go down to the hall where the majority of the school is eating waffles and blueberries.

I see Eddie by himself devouring a large plateful.

I sit next to him and he smiles at me.

It is so hard.

But at least he doesn't know about the letters, I don't think.

I stare back.

I have a boyfriend.

I have something to be happy about.


During Charms, Birdy asks why I'm so happy.

"Oh, I'm back at Hogwarts. No better place!"

Goddammit. She can tell when I'm lying.


"I'll tell you later." I mutter.

"Okay, whatever."

At lunch, Birdy sits next to me so she can hear the news.

I explain that Scorpius and I sent letters to each other during the holidays and got to know each other really well, and then I explained the events of the morning.

She seemed quite intrigued.

I told her not to tell Eddie at all costs.


After classes, I meet Scorpius at the owlery. I think it's the best place because it's not in the castle and it's not outside.

And I'm still dressed as Alyssa.

Anyway, I meet him and he hugs me.

"I'm glad we did this."

"Me too."

"I love you."

"I love you more," I say.

Don't judge me with this part! It just felt right.

We move in closer to each other and kiss.

It lasts for a while.

But it was like life was paused; our lips connected, just held there.

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