32. The Opposite of an Establishment

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Hello! I'm doing my A/N here because I want the end to be dramatic and mysterious (did I just give it away?) so I'm up here this time!
Enjoy this last chapter! There is a short epilogue after this, so don't stop reading! But enjoy!
~Sydney <3


I go to McGonagall the next day.

"I have decided," I say.


"I will turn into him, and die instead."

She looks slightly shocked.

"Oh. Okay. But I can't control your decision, so I won't protest."

"There's just something about that choice though, that makes it feel more satisfying than the cloning one."

"Well, you don't have to elaborate if you don't want to, so just tell me when you are ready, and I'll send you back in time."



When I feel like it's the right day, I go back to her, and have a solemn look on my face.

I hugged Scorpius for so long when I told him. He kept asking me to clone him, but I knew my decision was final.

"I'm sorry," I choked back a cry. "But I have to."

I was going to die at the age of 15.

I go to McGonagall's office. She puts the time-turner around my neck, and flicks her wand at it.


I open my eyes. I didn't even realise I closed them.

I'm in the Hogwarts castle. Of course; that's where it's held.

I see people going out of the castle and walking to the maze.

I'm here.

I swallow nervously and turn myself invisible.

I walk to the group of people, so I just merge with them and follow.


When everyone is trying to get seated, I go to Dumbledore.

I tap him on the shoulder, then I realise that I'm invisible, so I make myself visible and talk to him.

"The Diggory boy is going to die, and I am going to save his life."

"Okay." He hesitates. "Are you part of the Save-a-Life group?"

"Yes. But I am from the future, so the others do not know about me."

"Alrighty. Follow him into the maze, but being invisible, then when the time comes, just do it. Save the boys life."

"Thank you."

"Make sure you aren't seen. That's all."

Then he waves his wand over me, then I feel myself go invisible.

I go and stand over at Cedric's entry, while Dumbledore talks to the champions.

I breathe out heavily.

I really did want to do it, but I was so nervous about dying.

After the pep talk, Ceddie comes over and stands at his entry.

The cannon is fired, and the band starts playing.

Cedric and I walk in, and the hedge closes behind us.

I breathe out heavily but try not to be heard.

I don't think he heard me.

Now he starts to run through, so I have to follow.

I follow him until the wind picks up and Harry and him get to the cup.

"Take it! You saved me, take it!" says Cedric.

"Together," says Harry. "1, 2, 3!"

They both touch it, so I do too.

We all land with a thud on the ground.

"It's a Portkey," says Cedric. "A Portkey."

"Yeah, that great," says Harry. "I've been here before," he mutters.

I find this the perfect opportunity to reveal myself and tell Cedric the plan in very quick time, before I get killed.

"Please, no." He said. "No, just let me die, and you'll live."

It was that voice. That was it, that was the voice.

"I'm sorry, I have to. ...Goodbye."

Then I make him invisible and turn into him.

"Cedric! Get back to the Portkey!" says Harry.


I hear a sound, then see a dark figure.


"Who are you? What do you want?" I say.

"Kill the spare!" I hear the hiss of Lord Voldemort himself.

The words.

Avada Kedavra.

The green light.

The force.

Knocked backward.

The life.


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