21. Let's play dressups

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It's now the first day of 6th year.

I wake up and remember the plan I had from yesterday.

I'll tell you as it goes.

I get out of bed and go down to the kitchen for breakfast.

I grab a bowl of porridge (which is surprisingly nice) and eat it at the table while the Frankie thumps down the hallway.

I finish my meal and go back up to my room.

I put on my black jeans and a black tank top.

I really hope this works. I put it all on yesterday and it looked alright.

I straighten my hair, and wave my wand over it.

It turns black.

Mum will not be impressed.

Well, it's not permanent. It'll be fine.

I put on some dark purple lipstick and black mascara. I put a bit of eyeliner on too, just for a bit of luck. I painted my nails black yesterday. They look quite... nice.

I pull on the leather jacket and go downstairs where Mum is having some breakfast.

She catches a glimpse of me and stares at me with her eyes the size of galleons, and her jaw dropped.

"What did you..."

"Don't worry, it's not permanent."

"Why though?"

"I want to use it for Eddie. See if he can tell its me. Could you tell it was?"

"Not quite."

I smile. "So, what do you think?" I say as I turn around in a 360.

"It's... interesting."

"Thanks. I'm gonna go put some heels on."

"Don't hurt yourself!"

"I'll be fine," I say as I walk up the stairs.

I've got these really nice pull-on boots, they're only ankle height, but damn have they got heels. I really like them, and I think they'll go perfectly.

I slip them onto my feet. I grab my trunk and go back down the stairs.

I don't fall over. Maybe I'm a natural at this.

"Right, have you got everything you need?"


"Okay, let's go."

I breathe out heavily as we gather outside to Apparate to Kings Cross.

With a pop we're there.

I put my things on a trolley and run through the barrier.

It's not hard to run in heels.

I smile slightly as I see the scarlet Hogwarts Express. Little first and second years hop on and I remember my first time.


I give my stuff to the luggage guy and I hop on. Frankie comes behind me.

"Find a compartment with all your friends. Go on, shoo!"

He walks down the other end of the train while I find one with only Birdy.

I pretend like I don't know her.

"Is this one taken?"

"Nah, come sit."

I sit down on the opposite side.

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