22. Acting and more faking

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After the Great Feast, we go up to the common room as usual.

Some of them ask who I am.

But I just stick with Alyssa.

I go up to my dorm while everyone's still talking.

I take out a quill and some parchment and start writing a letter to Mum and Dad.

Hey guys.

Today went well, I suppose. I don't think Eddie has found out yet, but if I know him well enough, he might not tell me if he knows.

I guess I'll just go along with it.

Onto a different topic, I can't believe Frankie's already 4th year! But I guess I'm already 15, and he's only 13, and doesn't turn 14 until the 24.

But time slowly carries on, thou not noticing until thou looks.

I'll letter you throughout with details.

See ya!


I fold it up and go out to the common room, where only a few people remain.

I set off to the owlery as quickly as I can, trying not to get spotted by Filch.

Dad said Filch was there when he was there. He must be ancient.

I make myself invisible and run.

I find Honey perched, looking out at the night.

I gently pat her and she gets a bit of a fright.

I tie the letter to her leg and give her a treat. She gobbles it down and flies off.

Eddie's POV

I have a funny feeling that Alyssa is actually covering for April, because she probably doesn't want to face me.

She's the Quiet One. That's why.

Oh, I miss her. But when we were at the Great Feast, I sat next to her, and she smelt an awful lot like April's usual maple-leafy scent.

It smelt like... like, home, almost. I felt as if I were at home, and it was normal.

I think it's meant to be. Unless it turns out not, but what do I know?

Exactly. Nothing. I would've thought my brother would've taught me something about girls because he's had so much experience, but I think he's leaving it up to me to find out.

I guess he had to. Unless Dad told him.

I'll ask later. Right now, I need to talk to that girl.


April's POV (as Alyssa)

Eddie walks up to me when I'm back in the common room, just sitting in a chair looking at the fire.

He sits on the couch next to me.

"Hey," he says.

I smile for a second at him.

Then I look at my fingernails again.

"You have an obsession with your fingernails, don't you? My friend April used to always look at her hands when she was in an awkward situation."

He said that almost as if he wanted me to tell him it was me.

I haven't felt more pressured in my entire life.

I want to tell him so badly, but I know he would win if I did.

But if I didn't tell him, he'd eventually figure it out, and I don't know what would happen next.

I hold the urge and say "that's nice."

"Okay, April. You can stop hiding now."

"Who the hell is April?" I tried so hard, honestly.

"Oh come on, you know."

"I don't. I don't even know what this chick looks like."

"Well, she's got kind of gingery-brown hair, and a few freckles, and she's a year younger than us. She's... beautiful. Absolutely."

It sounded amazing for him to explain his version of me. I felt so... special.

"I went out with her last year," he continues, "but we broke up just before the summer holidays. I've lost contact with her ever since. But she hasn't been here at all today," he finishes.

"Oh... I had no idea. She was probably really sad that you two had broken up. And she seems like a really lovely girl, the way you talk about her."

"She is really lovely. And sweet, and kind, and just amazing."

"I'm gonna head to bed now, so if you will excuse me."

"Yeah, I should probably too."

"Goodnight," I say.

"Goodnight..." he sounds like he was supposed to say something else, but he stops.



I'm back and better than ever because I've had a massive break and I've also been able to start writing a new story, which I will be uploading soon. It's called A Cheat Among Liars and I hope you enjoy it when it's released!!

Also it's been so long that I literally have no idea what my outro was!


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