3. Birthdays n' stuff

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The new term starts. Life goes on like it usually does.

Until April starts.

Because no-one knows my birthday, they'll ask when it is, and when the day comes, they'll say; "hey, is it your birthday?"

And make a big fuss over me. I don't want that. I just want a quiet day with myself.

Because my birthday is a Friday this year, I've got classes. I like it better on the weekends because then I can just let myself be alone, and have a 'me' day.


Time skip because I'm lazy

It's now the 23rd of April, and I am turning 11 tomorrow.

Yep. 11.

Agh! I can't believe it! I'm turning 11! Unless something happens and I don't turn 11 and I'm stuck being 10 for the rest of my life.

I don't think anything will happen.

But who knows.

Anything could happen.

I lie on my bed because it's after dinner and my homework is complete. I sigh and stare at the ceiling.

"You don't realise you're doing it."

"Wha- huh?"

"You're sighing," says Birdy. "You must be thinking about something."

"Well of course I'm thinking about something. I'm always thinking."

"And that, my friend, is why you came to Hogwarts early."

"Whatever." I take a book and read.


I pretend to ignore her and keep reading. Even though I'm still thinking.

It's my birthday tomorrow. It's. My. Birthday.



The next morning I wake up and pretend everything is normal.

I'm up a lot earlier than usual too, which makes Birdy a little suspicious.

"Good morning," she stifles through a yawn. "Why are you up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"But you can always sleep. You sleep in the longest I have ever known."

"I don't know. I just couldn't sleep."

"Fair enough."

I brush my hair and tie it into a nice bun. It looks quite nice with my fringe.

Ha! I never told you guys I had a fringe!

Or 'bangs' as they call them in the USA.

I swing my bag over my shoulder and sigh.

"You're still doing it," she says.

"Am I? Oh, I didn't notice. Sorry."

We walk down to the Great Hall for breakfast, where there is masses of french toast lined up down the tables.

I can't believe it! My favourite breakfast on my birthday! Someone must have known.

I sit down and take a few slices.

"Geez, is there something wrong with you?"

I look around. It's Birdy speaking.

"How do you mean?"

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