28. Information and Knowledge

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"Cedric Diggory?" says Birdy.

"Cedric Diggory." I reply in confirmation.

Scorpius reads out the description. "'Cedric Diggory was tragically killed in this Tri-Wizard Tournament. He was particularly good at the second challenge, which consisted of going into the Lake, and searching for the bodies. You had your special friend or family member, and you only had one hour. He did earn first place, but because Miss Delacour did not save anyone, and Mr Potter saved two people, he was put in 1st place.'"


"So... why do you have these... things?"

"I didn't find out, but I think we should name them something so no-one knows what we're talking about."

"Gryffindor common room," mutters Birdy.

She rips the page from the book and shoves it in her pocket.

We exit the library and rush to our common room.

"Are you sure you should be a Slytherin?" I say to Scorpius. "Because you're very loyal. And Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders."

"What did I find?"

I cock one eyebrow and say "me, idiot."

He rolls his eyes and laughs.

We step inside the common room, and with our luck, we're the only ones there.

Why are we always the only ones there?

We each found a seat to sit on, and we brainstormed names.

Then Scorpius came up with the perfect one.

"Why don't we call it... the 'Secret Admirer'?"

"Secret Admirer? Are you serious?"

"Well, if we talk about it in public, I can just say, 'hey, have you had any more secret admirers?' And then that way it sounds normal."

"But why would I have a secret admirer?"

"Do I even need to answer that? You're beautiful, and smart, and the list could go on."

"Enough with the fluff, we need to do this." says Birdy. I think she's turned into the serious one.

"Okay. So what do you think? Isn't it just perfect?"

"Okay, fine, seeing as we can't think of anything else, it'll just have to do."

We stand up and I hug Scorpius. For a long time. Meanwhile Birdy's just standing there.

I break away from Scorpius and say, "hey Birdy, why don't you hang out with Frankster?"

"I actually might have forgotten about him because of you."

"Go find him now and have a snogging session or whatever you do."

"Okay." She skips to the boys dorm and we didn't see her after that.

Scorpius and I just sat on the couch - well, I curled up next to him, and we cuddled - until I was on the ground, sweating like nothing else. There was only slight pain like a headache. Nevertheless, Scorpius had picked me up and taken me to McGonagall.

Yet again.


"What was it this time, dear?"

"It... it was... dragons. They were in cages, spitting fire, and I heard Harry say 'dragons? That's the first task? You're joking,' and then it ended I suppose."

"Did you find out the name of the boy?"

"Cedric Diggory."

"Cedric. Ah, he was one of the many good Hufflepuffs-"

"Wait, how did a Hufflepuff get into the Tri-Wizard Tournament?" says Scorpius.

"His name emerged from the cup, and he became a Tri-Wizard champion!"

"So it was that easy?"

"Well, the Ministry had made a rule that no student under the age of 17 would compete."


"Now onto the real reason we're here. April, I believe you are a metamorphagus?"

"Yes. How did you...?"

She winks.

"There is two ways of doing this. The first, is that you clone him, or you turn into him... and die instead."

"Please. Please clone him. That way I don't have to see you die," says Scorpius.

I looked at him, then to McGonagall, then at my feet.

"I don't know. Obviously it would be heroic to die for him, but I don't want to die this young."

"You don't have to. But until you go back in time, you'll keep having these... visions."

"Er, we decided to call them Secret Admirers. For the public's sake."

"Clever name."

I sigh.

"I just don't know."

"It is a tough decision you have to make, but right now I think you need some food, and then have some rest. It is dinner time, if I am correct."

"Well, thank you. For everything. You're an amazing headmistress."

"Oh, thank you." She stretches her arms out, and gives me a hug.

Oh my god I just got a hug from McGonagall.

Scorpius and I go down to the hall for dinner, where it is just appearing on people's plates.

"I'll see you later," says Scorpius.

"See you."

I walk to the Gryffindor table, and Birdy looks at me.

And she instantly knows I had another 'Secret Admirer'.

"Did you get another Secret Admirer?"

People look at me. Confused.

"Oh... I've been getting Secret Admirers lately," I say. They seem normal about it.

"And yes. I did," I mutter into her ear. "Fire breathing dragons."


We eat in silence and when we're done, we run to our dorm.

"What happened, exactly?" she asks.

I explain, and then tell her that I did go to McGonagall.

"I have to save Cedric's life."


"There is two ways; I clone him, or die for him, using my metamorphagus powers."

"What're you gonna do?"

"I can't decide. I don't want to die this young, but I want to be heroic and die for him."

"If I were you, I'd clone him. But it is your decision. Why don't you consider your parents decision?"

I look at her.

"You haven't told them yet, have you? Oh, April, when stuff like this happens you have to tell those kind of people."

She sighs.

"You need some rest. Is it tiring, having the visions?"

"A little. It makes you feel... like you want to sleep, or take a nap. Yeah. It is a bit tiring."

"Well, go to bed and just rest your eyes for a bit. I'll do your homework."

"Thank you."



This chapter, if you couldn't tell, is an in-between chapter because I am lazy and can't get straight to the point but this adds tension to the story! It makes you wanna know what happens!

Anyways. Enjoy!

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