Already Gone - 19

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James POV

In the last thirty two weeks, my life has been amazing. I married the girl of my dreams. I became a real father to our daughter. I wake up every day with a smile on my face and know I am truly blessed.

In the last sixteen of those thirty two weeks, life has gotten a little crazy. My best friend and the only serious girlfriend he's ever had announced they are expecting a baby. They are having a boy. We are having a surprise.

Clarice and Callum announced their pregnancy on a triple date with me and Mia, Cole and his new girlfriend Jayma. Clarice and Mia have been doing baby talk ever since.

Nina and Craig got engaged while we were on honeymoon.

Jamie and Trey broke up. Then made friends.

Me and Callum were flying to New York for a couple of days. Since he got with Clarice and they have a baby on the way, we are selling the apartment. After we dropped out of college we pooled what money we had and asked our parents to buy it for us. The flight was awful. Delays, diversions, turbulence... When we landed at La Guardia, it was raining. Lightning lit up the night sky. Four taxi's passed before one stopped.

Looking back, it was probably a sign.

The apartment was musty. Dust had settled everywhere. We had three days to clean and pack. Mia had said she would help but she is her 'own no fly zone'. Then even if she wasn't pregnant, I said she'd still stay in California.

"Of course honey, sunshine and happiness. That's all here in the golden state." She laughed.

Looking out at the rain, she's right.

It was gone eleven pm in California. These days Jamie and Mia are in bed and sleeping by nine. I sent her a text to let her know I got here safe and to call me in the morning.


The next morning I woke up to a text from Mia and Jamie. A picture message of them having their fruit and Lucky Charms for breakfast. Having no food in the apartment whatsoever, I woke Callum up and we walked to a little cafe down the street for breakfast.

The day passed slowly.

As did the next day and the day after.

The rain didn't stop. In the cab on the way back to the airport, I punched Callum's arm for singing 'April Showers', the catchy tune from Bambi. He tried to blame it on Jamie but I know she hasn't seen that yet. Poor kid would be crying for life. She knew who Bambi was though. I called Mia when we got to the airport. "Hey baby we're just waiting to board. I missed you and the kids so much."

"Oh honey we missed you too. The soccer star in the making keeps kicking every five minutes and rolling around." She laughed. "When do you think you will be home?"

"Early hours of the morning, four or five if the flight goes well. Hopefully I'll be home before you wake up."

"Okay, see you in a few hours. Love you."

"I love you too Mimi."


When we landed at LAX it was three am. Thankfully we only had to wait for two bags. I was tired and I just wanted to go home. I was already dreaming of my girl sprawled out on the bed making the most of the space.

As we passed through the gate to the airport I saw Cole waiting for us. The look on his face was pure terror. I turned to Callum who looked confused. "James, it's Mia."

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