***4 Years Later***

89 37 23

Tick Tock

Tick Tock

The pattern mocked me so very much, making me more and more anxious for the final ring.


The final bell sounded and the class stampeded through the doors and soon became one of the many waves in the flooded hall.

Me and Caden always met at my locker at the end of each class.

As I fiddled with my locker's lock, I see someone coming towards me out of the corner of my eyes and instantly flinch.

I collapsed to the ground, dropping my binder and spilling its contents onto the marble floor.

Looking up, I see the kid starring at me in confusion and notice it was just my locker neighbor.

But I realized this obvious answer too late because everyone that happened to be in the hall at the time had already gathered around me pointing and scream-laughing.

I've had this problem for a while now, almost five years.

I have Psychological Trauma in my senses and it causes my body to flinch even if my mind isn't scared.

It makes me feel as if something is going to happen to me and makes me paranoid 24/7. It's really hard to cope with sometimes, especially times like these.

But luckily, this stuff happens often so I'm pretty used to it.

Caden came running down the hall just then, pushing through the crowd. He raced over to me and quickly helped me gather my books.

He quickly undid my lock and snatched my bag out, stuffing my supplies inside.

Carrying the bag, he grabbed my arm and pulled me through the growing teasers.

Hot tears started rushing down my face as we passed other people in the hall, my embarrassment growing.

"Again?" He asked, as we picked up the pace.

"Again." I said, wiping my tears.

Outside, he shoved the back pack onto my arm, grabbed me by the shoulders making me look him in the eyes, and said, "Stop. You can't cry in front of them, they'll think your weak. And we both know your not, correct?"

I just looked at him without answering.

He starred back at me a moment before hugging me.

I was surprised by his actions yet it made me feel better..safer.

"Hunter?" He asked, without letting go. "Can I go home with you today?"

His question pulled me back to Earth and I quickly reacted.

"No! Uh...I got to go, thanks for the help." I replied, pushing him away and walking towards my house.

Surprisingly, he reacted this time. I've turned him down many, many, many times before and he never seemed to care, except this time.

He grabbed my arm, jerking me back, then forcefully turned me around to face him.

"Why? Why can't I? I always used to come over everyday!" There was anger in his voice, a sound he rarely ever directed towards me. "What happened to you? This incident happens 5 YEARS ago and your still not over it? I understand what we were "diagnosed" with or whatever but you need to come back down to the real world. I want to think that I still have my best friend, but I don't even know where he is anymore." He exploded, before turning and walking the opposite direction.

I wanted to say something back but I figured I'd just make matters worse but the words still stung.

Maybe he was right. Maybe I'm letting this "illness" get the best of me.

I took a couple steps backwards, wanting to look at him one last time before turning away, hoping it wasn't the last time I'd see the only one I loved most.

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