Chosen Ones

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I was absolutely dazed by this website. I wasn't entirely sure what this was but for whatever reason, I just knew I was one of the chosen ones and that I had to find the others but I didn't even know where to start.

I stood and looked out the window and to Caden's house before deciding I'd go check on him now.

Walking downstairs, all I was thinking was that I needed to avoid my mom. Naturally, as a kid, I wanted her to know I was mad at her.

To my surprise however, after reaching the final step, I didn't hear anything. No walking or running water even. Nothing at all. The stairs were in the living room so I was already aware that she wasn't on the couch and I hadn't heard her come upstairs.

Frankly, I didn't really care where she was or when she'd be back. To me, it was just another example as to how this task will be easier.

I already had the shoes that Kade lent me on so I simply walked out the front door and crossed the street, careful that there were no cars in sight. Probably a bit too careful.

I hadn't noticed that his car wasn't parked in his driveway until I was across. Despite this though, I tried knocking anyways. To no surprise, no one answered, not even after the fifth knock.

Not knowing what other steps to take in the whole "chosen one mission", I simply sit on the concrete steps leading to his front door and run my hands through my hair.

I do this for a moment until I feel something or someone touch my shoulder just slightly. I hadn't heard anyone approached so I jump up.

Fortunately, I quickly recover as I see it's only Sean.

"Ya know, you really gotta quit the whole disappear and reappear thing." I say, calming down and sitting back on the stair.

He smirks and sits down beside me.

"So, did you do what I said?" He asks.

"Well, if you're referring to looking you up, then yes I did."


I look at him before responding. "And, I found some interesting things. Do you even know who these chosen ones are, and why are they even chosen ones?" I ask. He did say to come to him if I had any questions and believe me, I had a lot.

He paused for a moment. "No, I don't know who my chosen ones are, that's why I need you to find them for me. And they're my chosen ones because they're the only ones who know exactly what I am. In all honesty, I don't even know who or what I am. I just know that I'm not a ghost."

I process this for a second. "But if I do find these chosen ones, then how will I know if they're the chosen ones or not and how do you even know if they know what you are?"

I was well aware of how many questions I was asking but I mean, you'd ask these many questions too if you had such a broad and general mission or task without real detailed instruction.

"Trust me, you'll know. You'll feel it, and they know what I am because they have secrets too. Secrets that creep right under your nose kept by the people you love most."

"Stop, okay? You're scaring me. I'm already stressed as is." I put my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry, Hunter. You don't have to help if you don't want to."

"I mean, it's not a big deal to help you but it would help me to help you if I wasn't so confused about it all."

He stopped talking for a second so I kept going.

"And what's up with the blood stuff in the woods. It got in my friends eyes and he couldn't see and my mom like went insane and kicked him out of our house and now he's probably at the hospital or something."

"Wait," he said, "the blue blood only falls on enemies. Enemies know who or what I am just as much as allies. Your friend is one of the chosen ones." He seemed excited when he said this.

"Wait, he's a chosen one but you said enemy?" With everything he said, I fell deeper into the realm of confusion.

"I mean, I don't know how but he's an enemy. Blue blood only falls on enemies."

"Where the hell did you get this blue blood?"

"From the others like me."

"What? Then what are you?"

"I already said, I don't know. The others don't know either. And you say your mom went insane on Caden? She's one of the chosen ones too then, an ally. She doesn't know why she threw him out, she just knew she had too. Just like how I don't know what I am. Look, I know it sounds like I have all the answers but I'm just as confused as you are."

I stared at him. "Just...take me to the others. Maybe they can give me some answers."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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