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As I slowly opened my eyes in the morning, I was relieved by the fact it was Saturday.

I didn't have to worry about how I look, could eat whenever I wanted, could stay in bed all day and..."Hunter! Get down here!"

My hopes, dreams, and priorities had been ripped from reality when I heard my mother yell my name.

With a groan, I slowly rolled off the bed and onto the floor.

I lay there on the ground for a moment until I hear her call again, "Hunter! Hurry up!"

I sigh and push myself up, I'm only in boxers but if she wants to get me out of bed on a weekend then she can stand to see me in my sleep wear.

As soon as I'd reached the third to last step, I could already tell something wasn't right, and once I'd seen who else was in my house, I'd regretted coming down in my underwear.

My mom was standing in the living room with two men in police uniforms.

All their heads turned towards me and I froze. Slowly walking down the stairs, I asked, "Uh, mom? What's with-" I finished my sentence with a point to the uniformed men.

My mother just ignored the question and instructed me to come stand by her.

As I did as told, there was a knock on the door. My mom just shouted, "It's open." And soon, Caden's mother was standing in my living room.

When she walked in, my heart dropped, my head spun, and I shot my mom a look as if asking what was happening without saying anything but she just gave me a sorrow gaze.

I lost it.

I darted towards the door, slipping on my Nike slides and rushed out without a thought in my mind.

All I could do was run for the woods.

In my underwear.

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