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After Caden let me borrow some of his clothes, I led him to where the kite was being held.

In the garage, Caden was clearly stunned at the stacks and stacks of papers on my little shelf.

He wasn't necessarily surprised as to the stacks, but more of what the papers making up the stacks held on them.

The papers consisted of lists of materials, blue prints, plan order, and design. But all of which linked to the kite.

After quickly flipping through the information he looked at me without saying a word. I couldn't quite read his face.

"Yes?" I asked.

He slowly shook his head while looking back down at the paper in his hand. "Nothing."

I figured he'd finally realized the reason I'd always avoid him coming over. I'd always thought that he'd think I had problems if he found out Id work on the kite every night since the 'thing'.

Which we recently noticed ourselves referring to the incident as.

There was a moment of awkward silence until I had to ask, "Why was your mom and police in my house? I can't even walk around my own house naked anymore these days." I laughed.

He smiled and replied with, "I'm not sure. I just got home a little bit ago and my mom wasn't there, then I heard a buncha crap from you outside and that's when I came out. She prolly jus' called the popo to find me."

"Golly, she works fast." I said. He just nodded in agreement and continued looking around my shelf.

"So why'd you want the kite again?" I asked.

"Well I figured since you said Sean said he wanted you alive for his kite, we should give him his kite. I mean he did save you." He stated.

"But that's so dumb, this is us, now, we're real. Our lives are not some cheesy horror movie where the ghost speaks to mortals and drives em crazy okay?" I said. This just all seemed too fast.

"We're not going crazy, idiot. I mean, I know this is dumb but if that's what he wants, it's what he wants. It's not a big order at that either."

"I guess." I mumbled. "But what are we gonna do; take the kite outside and scream Sean til his ghostly figure magically appears." I danced around and exaggerated my words, making it sound even dumber.

He sighed and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off.

"Hurry up, boys! I'm not waiting any longer." The man with the vlog was sitting outside the garage, refusing to come into a tiny garage with a bunch of kids.

"Just leave then." I shouted after him, getting annoyed by him thinking we care.

"'Kay suit yourselves, I am the only one with the video but that's cool." He said it in a mocking tone, clearly wanting us to come running out, begging him not to go.

I didn't but Caden did. Somehow he became more implied in this than I ever was.

When Caden returned in the garage he wasn't willing to wait anymore. He demanded for the kite and I opened up the cupboard above my shelf and gently pulled it from its preserve.

I'd already patched up the sticks and it was back to its normal diamond shape but the fabric was extremely difficult to fix. You had to fix it just right or else it would no longer fly, plus I refused to even touch the inscription of his name. It wouldn't be the same.

I guess Caden expected me to know just about every single thing about a kite. I didn't but, him being oblivious to that fact, asked, "So how do we fix it?"

"I don't know.." I replied.

"What! What do you mean you don't know?" He cried.

"I mean I don't know! If I did, don't you think it would've been fixed by now?"

He starred for a moment then spun around with a very deep sigh, putting his hands over his face and the pacing began.

I was surprised at his reaction.

"Why do you care so much?" I asked. He spun to face me.

"I don't!"

I couldn't believe he'd actually think I'd believe that after his fit like two seconds ago so I didn't bother to reply.

"Okay, maybe I do a little but..."

"A little?" I replied, smirking slightly.

"A lot, okay? I care a lot! I care a ton! Why? 'Cause I don't want you to get hurt! I couldn't stand it if you got hurt! If you got hurt..." His voice trailed and he became calm. His fists unclenched and as he looked up at me, I saw a totally new side of him I'd never ever seen, or thought existed.

Even if it was just over a stupid kite.

"...if you got hurt, I'd have to let go."

The Blue KiteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin