Blue Blood

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I slammed the door to my bedroom and throw myself onto the bed.

What was her problem? Its like everyone's gone mad. Does she not understand that he could be like severely allergic to something? Maybe something poisoned him but it doesn't matter now that she threw him out.

My mind was on overload. I was so mad and confused. I really hope he gets home safe.

His house is only across the street but he can't even see. I almost got creamed by a truck and I could see.

I debated on going to his house but I'm "grounded".

I don't care. Ill do what I want. He's my cousin.

I practically jump out of bed and toss open the window. I'm not sure how I'm going to get all the way to the ground from the second story but they do it in movies all the time. How hard could it be?

I slowly step out. If I misplaced any body part at any moment, I could fall to my death.

I froze, the only thing I could think about at that moment was Sean. The scene from so many years back, played fresh in my mind again.

Then I heard his voice as I remembered what he had said in the woods.

"Look me up.."

I shook the thoughts away as I climbed back into the house through the window.

I was going to go see Caden but nothing at this very minute was going to distract me from looking up and figuring out what was so very wrong with Sean.

Snatching up my phone from off of my nightstand, I turn over what exactly I would search up in my mind.


Tree kid?

A Sean?

I had no idea but I did know for a fact that he wouldn't have told us to look him up if we didn't know what to look up.

He knew that I was aware of what to search, even if it wasn't coming to me yet.

I sat on the edge of my bed, eyes locked on the Google search bar. Then it hit me.

The blue kite.

I quickly typed in the letters but I made sure to spell every letter correct. Pressing the search icon, it took me straight to a link.

A website popped up on my screen and I instantly scanned it.

To whoever this is,

This is a private page, you could call it locked. This page was purposely made to be in the deep internet. If you, reader, find this page somehow then you're the chosen one. Not like in gay movies, you're my chosen one. If you found this, you're one of the few or only people who knew what this page was called. You're most likely a total stranger or someone personally very close to me. If you're a stranger, just ignore this. If you're not, you know who you are and you need to keep reading. I'm sure you're confused but all you need to do is be sure to find my other three chosen one's. Make sure no one touches my blue blood, it's only meant for enemies. While searching for these chosen ones, you may need this "blue blood" so I've hidden it in the woods. When the time comes, you'll find it. If you have questions, come to me for the answers. You know who I am and where to find me.


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