The Tree

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Sitting, debating on the topic for a solution to Caden's issue, we came up with absolutely nothing.

I didn't even think Caden was thinking. He just simply refused to see him.

It was still dark outside, just a small bit of sunlight lighting the sky. The air was cool and as we sit there, I turn to face the woods.

Dispite the small amount of light, the bundles of trees were absolutely pitch black and as I stare into it, it seemed to be endless.

I sigh loudly and lay down, the morning dew on the grass cooling the back of my neck.

Then I hear it. A soft "coo" almost. Like an impersonated owl.

I turn to Caden as an instinct before looking around for the source. He had already heard it but apparently he'd already seen the source as well.

He covered his ears as if the soft wisps were loud and he balled up, knees in his chest, head down.

I quickly sat up, as something was definitely wrong. I instantly look into the forest ahead but there was nothing that seemed to be out of place.

I then whip my head around wildly as I hear the sound getting louder.

My heart instantaneously began beating out of my chest but I forced myself to calm down. As I dart my glare from up and down to side to side, I see nothing worth a second glance.

I then tap Caden who's shaking and balling now. He slowly unravels himself and looks at me, still vibrating as fast as I'd never thought possible.

"Hey," I say calmly, "what do you see?"

He just stares at me without blinking. He doesn't say a word.

"Tell me what you see, okay?" I ask again.

He nods very slowly then without moving his head or unlocking his gaze on my eyes, he lifts his shaking hand and points a quivering finger to the neighbors house.

Sean's old house.

I follow his finger with only my eyes. I was confused at first as he was not pointing at the house but at the tree in the houses backyard.

Then, as soon as I see what he had seen, I understood.

Being dead means your different, your not alive like all the rest of the people on the earth. This is obvious, but the fact is that Sean was not dead.

He had just always been different.

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