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I stayed by a tree for awhile just thinking and listening to the soft noises interrupted by continuous yells of my name.

Soon, I got bored and chose to go to Caden's and see if there was a chance he was alright.

He only lives across the street from me but the woods were behind my house so I needed to make my way to the front yard and across the street undetected.

Kids from school live on this street, if any of them ever seen me walking around in my underwear...

I spent the next 15 minutes, scoping out the area until I finally had a full drawn out plan.

I ducked behind bushes and trees, just to be hiding behind a car in the front yard.

I hadn't thought of this part..

How was I supposed to cross the bare open street without being seen?

I thought about it for awhile but I'd already known from the moment I'd began thinking about it, that there was no solution.

Gathering the courage I need, I sprinted from behind the Ford and headed for Caden's house across the street.

I tried hard not to look at anything other than his house.

If anyone were to see or point and laugh, it would just be more humiliating to stand and watch.

As I was rushing through the street, I was feeling pretty satisfied with my plan.

Well I was...until I heard the screeching. The loud, blood curdling screeching.

I was too scared to move, I already knew what was coming but I was in such a dead sprint that I couldn't stop.

My body flinched insanely but my legs kept moving.

Then I saw the lights and the bright red of the car out of the corner of my eye and my brain went wild.

My brain took over my body making me tense suddenly and flinch and flail in mid-air as my legs still attempted to run.

My body overpowered my legs and with the weight of all the uncontrolled movements, I tripped.

I continued flailing as I hit the tar.

The car was coming but I couldn't get up.

It's like my mind was on overload, trying so very hard to do everything at once.

I was scared but I knew being scared would only trigger my "condition" worse.

I tried fighting against myself but there was no point.

The lights were shining in my eyes by now and my hands shot up over my eyes while my legs kicked and my head and body shook insanely.

My pants sounded louder than the cars wheels on the pavement.

I knew they really weren't but in my head they were.

My body completely tensed suddenly and my mind froze.

I couldn't move but it was quiet now and I oddly felt relaxed.

I slowly regained control of my muscles and lowered my hands from my face and sat up.

To my surprise, I was no longer in the road.

I was in the grass, in Caden's yard. I was facing the street with a view of my house on the other side.

The car that should have creamed me, was now parked and the driver was out in front of it.

His hands were on top of his head and he seemed in a daze. His face showed disbelief as he desperately searched the front area of his vehicle.

"Sir?" I asked, getting a bit bored and even more eager. "Uh..I'm okay."

His face instantly drained white when he seen me sitting there.

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if my own face had turned white after saying that myself.

I watched for awhile as he began pacing intently, running his fingers through his hair.

I was lost in thought too. Man I hate Cheetos. I thought. Man I hate my brain issues. Man I say man a lot.

This continued for a long while until, from no specific location, a soft voice that spoke in my ear said...

"You need to stay, to fix my kite."

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