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Jaden's POV
I grabbed my hat off the hook by the door as I ran out to my best friend's car. I got into the car and buckled up. I situated my hat on my head as Cole's mother pulled out of my driveway. We were heading over to Syd's house, and they were going to take us to her brother's hockey game. I wasn't a huge hockey fan, and neither was Cole, but who knows? It could be interesting. We pulled into Syd's driveway and Cole immediately jumped out and ran to the door. I thanked Mrs. Wagner and headed after my best friend. Cole gave Syd a hug when she answered and I smiled and said hello. Soon enough we were ready to go. The ice rink was at least 45 minutes away. Cole slept and I played on my phone until we got there. The rink was cold, cold enough to see your breath when you exhaled. And me being forgetful, left my pants at home. So I was in the ice rink with just my shorts and my sweatshirt. I mentally slapped myself for that one. Soon enough the game began. I watched them skate up and down the ice, not knowing what the hell what was happening, but I also cheered for Justin.

"Hey these kids are really good, what level are they?" I asked Syd

"They're PeeWee double A." She responded

I nodded and continued to watch the game. My legs began to get cold so I headed out to the mostly empty lobby of the rink. I sat at one of the tables and went on my phone as my legs warmed up.

"Yo Jaden!"

I turned around and saw Zack and his girlfriend walking toward me.

"Zack! What are you doing here?" I asked standing up and giving him a bro hug

"Kayleigh's best friend is in town, so she's coming to see her game."

"The one that lives in DC?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm so excited to see her... She has no idea I'm coming." Kayleigh smiled

"She's going to be so surprised." He smiled

"Well their game looks like it's starting, you wanna head in?" He asked Kayleigh

She nodded in response.

"You want to come?" Zack asked me

"Is it an all girls team or..?"

"Yeah it's all girls." He said

"Girls... Playing hockey? Are they even good?" I asked

"They're tier 1, so yeah." Zack said

"Okay yeah I'll watch."

I followed the two into the rink. Surprisingly, this one was warmer than the other. We took our seats in the bleachers as the girls lined up for the faceoff.

"Which one is Sam?" Zack asked Kayleigh

"Number 16, right defensemen, right there." She pointed and our eyes followed

She pointed to a girl who had long wavy blonde hair, tied back into a pony tail. She had a white helmet with team stickers on both sides. She gripped her stick tightly, and hunched over, getting ready for the puck drop. It dropped and was pulled back to her. She took off down the ice and took a shot. The goalie saved it but she kept digging until the whistle was blown. Her team high fived her and she got off the ice.

"Wait that's it?! It's been like 45 seconds!" I exclaimed

I turned my head to see both of them looking at me strangely.

"Shifts are 45 seconds long Jaden." Zack laughed

"Oh." I said, heat rising to my cheeks

We returned our attention to the game, and I eagerly waited for number 16 to show up again.

Hockey Players. {Jaden Henline}Where stories live. Discover now