Last Day

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It was my last game before my dad would come to pick me up and we would head back home. It was funny, because hockey had always been my whole life, and I have never dreaded playing a game as much as I do right now. I wanted to play, but I didn't want it to end. Even though I wouldn't be directly in contact with my best friend on the ice, she was still there. And that was a hell of a lot better than staring at a faceless screen. There was a constant pain in my chest as I sat next to my best friend for possibly the last time for months. This sucks. We pulled up to the rink and I took my bag into the locker room. I can't let my mood affect my game.


The game ended and we lost. A good way to add insult to injury. I packed up my bag and headed out of the locker room with a sigh. When I arrived at the lobby I had everyone waiting for me. My dad was ready to head home. I hugged Zack and Jaden goodbye first. Then I went to Kayleigh and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I cried and cried. I hugged her tightly, never wanting to let go.

"Don't go." She said while crying

But I couldn't stay. I had to return home. And I wanted more than ever to stay here in this moment forever. I let go and left the rink.


The car ride home was absolute hell. I wanted nothing more than to lock myself in my room and be alone while I cope. I can't describe it, but after you leave, it's like, what do I do now? It seems like it almost never happened. I went through many stages of emotions. I started sad, where I longed to be right back to the beginning of the weekend. Then I experienced anger. Why did it have to be us? Why couldn't I have stayed?! Then I went numb. I felt nothing at all. I would stare blankly out the window at the passing cars and the setting sun. Beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow clashed in the sky, but I paid no attention to them. I texted Jaden and Kayleigh the whole way home, which didn't really help my situation. I got home soon enough to get a shower, and lay in my bed. I was there all night until I fell asleep.


The next day I didn't go to school. I couldn't quit crying enough to make it all day. I continued the emotional cycle from yesterday. I couldn't handle being by myself anymore, is I called Becca over to help me cope.

"Listen I know it's hard, and I know you have no idea when you'll see her next, but you will see her eventually. Just remember that."

"Thanks I'll try..."

After she left I surprisingly felt better. I called Kayleigh a couple hours before I went to bed. Something about her voice calmed me down. I went to bed, hoping to escape things for awhile.

A/N: Well blah it's finally up. Sorry it's kind of short and doesn't have much of Jaden in it but it should do for now yeah? I promise I'll try to get better at updating sooner :) -S

Hockey Players. {Jaden Henline}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن