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"Cole that's crazy. He is not in love with me."

"Look Sammy. I like you a lot. But I know no one can love you like Jaden will. I'll never be able to love you like he will. And I know you love him just as much." Cole said

"I'm not so sure Cole. I don't want to let go of you. I like you a lot Cole, I don't want to give this up."

"Come on." He said standing up and holding out his hand

I took his hand and he pulled me toward Zack's full length mirror. He stood me in front with himself looking over my shoulder. He put his hands on my shoulders.

"Now Sammy, tell me what you see. Does this look like a girl who loves Cole Wagner or Jaden Henline?" He asked

"I don't know."

"Okay, well what are you wearing. We'll start simple."

"I'm wearing white converse, dark jeans, and... Jaden's sweatshirt."

"And why were you so upset by what Raegan said to you?"

"Because I couldn't imagine my life without Jaden."

"Do you understand what I'm trying to show you?" He asked

"Cole. I like you. Why are you doing this?" I asked

"Because you guys are both my best friends. And I want you to be happy."

"Cole I am happy." I say

"Yeah I realize that. But Sammy you're missing the point. Jaden is miserable and it's my fault. I know you're happy with me, but Sammy you will never find a guy like Jaden. He loves you so much can't you see that? Well I can and it wouldn't feel right if we keep doing this. So I think it's over."

"What should I say to Jaden?"

"Tell him how you feel. And don't bullshit it. How you really feel, not how you think you feel."

"Okay Cole. Thank you."

We went downstairs to everyone watching a movie already. Zack smirked at us when we came down, but everyone else continued watching. I sat down between Cole and Jaden. I kept wanting to talk to Jaden, but I didn't know what to say. I was scared for once in my life, and the pounding of my heart in my chest wasn't helping me out. I cuddled up to Cole.

"What are you doing? Go talk to him!" He whispered

"Cole what do I say?" I whispered back

"I don't know Sammy. Just go tell him how you feel."

"Cole I'm so scared," I say

Before he can respond Jaden gets up and walks away and before I know it, I'm going after him. I stop him about halfway down the hallway.

"J where are you going?" I ask

"Sammy I can't stay here." He said grabbing his jacket

"Jaden you can't go. Please stay."

"I'm sorry Sammy. I just can't."

"Why not? Jaden you've been acting weird since I got here! Please just stay."

"Sammy are you crying?"

"No, I'm not." I said wiping away a tear

"Sammy..." He said wrapping me in his arms

I loved his hugs. I always felt so safe and secure when I was with him. What the hell, I loved him. And at this point, I wasn't scared anymore. I knew exactly what to say, and that was nothing at all. I pulled away from his hug and without a second to spare, I connected my lips with his. When I pull away he's at a loss for words.

"What was that for?" He asked eyes wide

"Because I realized that I love you a lot more than I let myself admit. And someone special helped me realize that."

"What? Who?"

"Cole. He feels awful, Because he realized that-"

"He realized that I love you?"

"Yeah." I replied

We stood in silence looking at the floor. Then we heard someone's voice from down the hallway. We looked down to see Zack, Kayleigh and Cole standing there waiting.

"Dude just kiss her already!" Zack said

I looked back at Jaden and he kissed me.

"Alright you two stop sucking face and get back over here." Cole laughed

I smiled at Jaden after I broke away from him and we went back to the movie. Soon enough he fell asleep on me. I looked over at everyone else and they seemed to be asleep as well. Cole was still awake.

"Thank you Cole, for everything." I said

"No problem Sammy. Love you."

And that was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.

Hockey Players. {Jaden Henline}Where stories live. Discover now