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Jaden's POV

Life was beautiful. I had my dream girl. She was all mine. We got through everything together. We made each other stronger. And it was great. Samantha was not only my best friend, but also my soulmate. And I had known that since I first laid my eyes on her a few years back at that ice rink. It was a normal day for me and her. She had softball practice down in DC, and I had baseball practice here in PA. We didn't need constant communication, but we would eventually tell each other about our day. That's what got me through each day. But today something felt off. I shrugged it off as I headed to my practice, figuring it was nothing.


I waved goodbye to Cole and his mom as they pulled out of my driveway. I checked my phone for texts from Sammy. Nothing, which is strange, because practice should've ended for her a half hour ago. I decided it was nothing and put my bag away in my garage before heading inside. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water before heading over to the living room where my family sat. Everyone sat on the couch talking quietly.

"Hey guys I'm back," I said walking in

My mom looked at me. Her eyes were red and blood shot. I scrunched my face with concern. My dad looked at me with a sort of sadness that told me something was wrong.

"Jaden, we should talk." My dad said patting the spot beside him.

I sat down keeping my mouth shut. My heart began to beat faster and faster as the silence became longer and longer.

"What's wrong?" I asked

My mom just shook her head, looking at the floor.

"I can't do this," she squeaked before getting up and rushing out of the room.

"Dad we should-" I began to get up

"No son, you really need to know now."

I took a shaky breath and nodded before sitting back down beside him.

He let out a big sigh.

"Jaden, I just got off the phone with Mrs.Neilson, and son I'm sorry, but Sam is dead. She took her life this morning."

I stared at him in disbelief.

"No, she's not-"

"I'm sorry." He said his eyes rimming with tears

"She can't be!" I yelled getting up "We were finally so happy! She was the one!"

"Jaden, it's going to be okay, there are other girls out there-"

"None like her! She was the one dad. I planned my future out with her. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. And I should've saved her, I could've! And now she's gone. And it's my fault." Tears began to flow heavily from my eyes

"This is not your fault. From what I've seen Jaden, you saved her longer than anyone else had. When I first met her over the phone she was completely different than the last time I saw her. You kept her here longer than she intended to be. But she just got overwhelmed Jaden and this is no where near your fault."

"I need to go," I said not bothering to change before running out of my house

I ran a few houses down. I hopped up the front steps and onto the porch before ringing the doorbell. I tried to wipe away some tears but they just kept coming. The door open and I jumped into her arms. She was in the same state I was. We stood in her doorway crying, hearts aching. I buried my head into her shoulder and just sobbed. I felt sick. And I'm sure she felt worse. We let go of each other and she slid on some shoes before coming out of her house. She took a deep breath.

Hockey Players. {Jaden Henline}Where stories live. Discover now