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Jaden's POV

She had left again. I had become so accustomed to her presence, that when she left, I was a mess. I felt utterly alone. It was even worse that I had her expression etched into my mind. And that's all I could see. Hell, that was all I could remember. It stuck out in my brain like a sore thumb. Occasionally a few waves of her happiness would wash over me, the memory of her presence as comforting, but it all came back to today. It all came back to me, watching her leave from my doorstep. I'm sure Kayleigh was in the same boat I was. I'm sure it was worse for her. My head pounded from all the crying I had done. Cole had brought me water, but I refused. I wasn't sure if I could hold it down. I moped around in my bed all day, not wanting to get up, and sure as hell not wanting to go to school tomorrow. I had to resume with my normal life, even if a piece of my heart had been ripped away from me. I didn't know how to handle it, so I just avoided it as much as I could. I didn't respond to her texts, and tried my hardest to push her out of my mind for a little. Just until I got over this. Soon enough I got tired of laying around and trying to handle this on my own. I needed to talk to someone who could relate to this, and help me. I desperately needed it. I threw on a random pair of sweats, along with a sweatshirt and a pair of sneakers. I yelled that I would be back later and began my walk. I made it up to the front porch, and I shook off the snow from my shoes. I approached the front door and knocked. Kayleigh opened the door. She didn't look shocked that I was there, she just stepped aside and let me in.

"You miss her too?" She asked

I only nodded. But I did more than just missed her. I longed for her.

"Have you talked to her? Like at all?" She asked typing away at her phone

I shook my head. She sighed.

"Well you should. You'll see a totally different side to her. The caring side. It comes out, and she doesn't try to hide it. When she arrived and leaves are the only two times you will ever see her emotional side. It's another beautiful aspect to her personality. Don't let it slip through your finger because you, don't want to be emotional yourself."

"I've never in my life felt this way. I don't know how to deal with it." I said

"Jaden, you have to understand, that I cannot make you feel any better or help you. She can. She will express the way she's feeling, and knowing she feels the same way will comfort you more than I will right now. So go home, and go talk to her."

She walked up to her room, shutting the door. I decided to take her advice. I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't just let my emotions out into the open like that. It was just unnatural for me. It felt strange, and gave me weird feeling in my stomach as if I was afraid to express my feelings. I got into my room and turned my phone back on. I had a few messages from her, but she didn't blow up my phone.

Sammy💘: I miss you already
Sammy💘: I hope you miss me too...
Sammy💘: this sucks. I just want to be back with you.
Sammy💘: I love you okay?

I decided to ignore her texts. I dialed her number.

"Hello?" She said quietly

"Hi." I responded

"Did you get my messages?"

"Yeah I got them."

The line was silent for a bit after that. Occasionally I would hear muffled shuffling.

"I love you." I said into the phone

"What?" She said

"I said I love you."

"Oh," she paused "I love you. As more than just my boyfriend. Like as a best friend too. I don't know if that makes sense. I don't know how to explain it to you," she babbled

I laughed a little before I heard her laugh too. My heart got heavy, I missed that so much. It was good to hear her laugh even though I knew we were both miserable at the moment.

"It will get better," she said

"What?" I asked

"This. Me leaving all the time. It will get better. It hurts now I know, but you just get used to it. At first you kind of numb yourself to the world. Cracking jokes to hide the pain and laughing like you don't think about whoever you're missing at the moment. But then it gets better. You don't feel so alone. It gets better. And just think, after today, I'm one day closer to seeing you again."

I took in a sharp breath.

"Thanks. I really needed that."

"Did you talk to Kayleigh?" She asked

"Yeah, which is funny because she told me to talk to you. You know because you were the only one who could make me feel better. And she was right."

"Cute." She laughed

I was captivated by the sound of her voice. As each word fell out of her mouth and into the phone, I was dumbfounded as to how beautiful someone could be, even through the phone. I couldn't pick out a single flaw. Her voice was neither girly nor manly, and it spoke comforting words as I tried to get a handle on my emotions.

"Jaden, I hate to, but I have to go again. I love you."

"It's okay, do your thing. I think I'm alright. I love you."

"Please call me later." She said softly

"I will Sammy, I promise."

"Thank you. I love you."

But before I could respond, the call ended.

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