Lara Croft X FemReader

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(Tomb Raider)

Just An Illusion

Lara PoV

"I said calm down (Y/n)." i said smiling as we kept walking to find a way to leave the cold mountain.
"Finally you saved me from those weirdos and now im stuck in this bloody snow mountain.. i bet Sam and the others are in the ship warm and cozy" she kept blabbering as i stopped making her stop.
"We need to sleep in this cave.." i announced her as she groaned but nodded.
When we entered the cave was warm but not warm enough. I started shaking as (Y/n) looked at me.
"Here take this.. in the end I'm still tolerant to coldness." she said as i felt something warm around my neck. When i looked down it was her (F/c) scarf she always wore it even on summer. I blushed as i thanked her.

"Thanks but i have a question.. why do you always wear it ?" i asked as i tried to gather wood to make a fire. She looked to the sky and smiled softly
"Because my mother gave it to me..and no she's not here..
She died of cancer, before she did i asked her
'Is the pain too much' she smiled at me and said
'The pain is just a mind thing (Y/n).. it's just an illusion.'"
She said as she blew air to her hands to warm them. I looked at her with worry but she noticed and shook it off with a smile.
"its okay... she told me not to mourn her forever.. so now.. i guess im just waiting for my time to come.." she said as she got up.
"Lets go find some wood Lara." she said grinning with a blush as we left to find some wood. When we found some sticks and stoned we started walking back to the cave when something yelled at us
"Hey i found them!" yelled one of the man of Mathias shouted.

"Crap! Go go go !" said Lara as we dropped everything and started running.
They started shooting at us and i looked back and saw a sniper i grabbed (Y/n) hand and ran faster.
We saw a way to get off the mountain and as we started to climb down more bullets were heard and suddenly
(Y/n) lose strength in her arms as she started falling. Luckily i was able to grab her (F/c) shirt before she fell. I looked at her and saw her clutching her left arm that was bleeding. My eyes widened as i put her right arm around my neck and started climbing down the mountain. When i climbed down the mountain i supported (Y/n) as i left running to hide. When i felt safe enough i ripped her shirt to look at the arm wound. I frowned as i saw her clutching her stomach too, she was covering something with her hand. When i removed her hand there was a black red stain right above her left side of hip. I removed her shirt completely as i looked at the wounds and started to burn one of my arrows with the lighter.

She looked at me and i could tell she was scared and nervous as she started to move involuntarily.
"Calm down (Y/n) it's going to be okay.." i said as i stroked her (H/c) hair. She looked at me then nod with newfound confidence.
"One...two...THREE !" I yelled as i leaned the arrow to her stomach wound first. She started cursing and yelling in pain as she cried. I tried to reassure her but she kept yelling so she bitted her ripped (F/c) shirt and muffled her screams. I looked at her and frowned but i pressed the heated arrow more to her wound to seal it well. She gave a loud yell as her (E/c) rolled behind her head as she went unconscious.
I felt guilty that im the one causing her this pain but i couldn't lose her..


When (Y/n) fell unconscious i carried her and started to walk to the direction of the boat. I kept walking when suddenly i heard a growl. When i looked back i saw a pack of wolfs that were studying my movements. I glared at them as i gently put (Y/n) on the floor and took my bow and arrow prepared to fight them.
3 days.. we are finally in the boat after three days and still (Y/n) didn't woke up..
Sam and the others treated our wounds as best as they could but they weren't medics. I stayed that whole time beside (Y/n)'s bed. I couldn't sleep or eat or even talk i felt guilty and worried sick. Her wounds looked like they got more worse the veins around her wounds got into a darker color.. as if the blood was infected.
As two day passed she started to cough extremely she started to cough blood unconsciously.

"Oh god ! Sam i need help here !!" i yelled in panic as Sam and i grabbed her as she kept coughing. When she stopped coughing, her breathing became more weak and slow. I cried as she was more pale.. she looked dead.
"Come on (Y/n)...
fight for your life..
You said so yourself (Y/n)..
It's just an illusion..
Please.. come back.." i said as tears fell down my cheeks.
We heard a horn of a ship which meant we were close to an island i looked at (Y/n) with hope evident in my face.

Mini Timeskip

"Sir her heartbeat and pulse have slowed down her breathing is slow and weak and her lungs got an infection she needs to be operated right now !" shouted a doctor as they took (Y/n) to emergency room. I followed them but they didn't allowed me to enter.
5 hours.. it has been five hours and i still didn't had any news from (Y/n). I had my head down as the doctors passed by. When the emergency room opened i looked up to see a doctor smiling at me.
"Miss Croft ? Your friend is delicate but she'll live ! We operated her in time and we were able to stop the infection.. she's stable.. you can go see her.." said the doctor with a sincere smile. I smiled brightly as i hugged him and went to see (Y/n).
When i arrived at her room she was reading a book as she had cables all over the bed and putted her a mask for her to breath with more ease. When she heard the door open she looked at me and smiled. Her eyes looked tired and she looked very delicate.
"Hi Lara.. thank you so much.." she said as she chough a few times but composed herself. I smiled as tears fell freely. I went beside her and hugged her softly as i cried.
"I thought i lost you ! Oh god (Y/n) i couldn't lose you ! I love you (Y/n)... i love you so much.." i confessed to her as i blushed looking at her. She looked shocked at first but smiled and kissed me softly
"I love you too Lara.." we smiled as we kissed once again.

The End

(A/n: Well guys here's the new one-shot ! Hoped you like it because i like Lara Croft she's AWESOME ! Like the other people i have done one-shots in this book. Remember to Comment,Vote,Follow me and REQUEST !! It's very inspiring :}
Hope you liked it!
See YOU on the next book or page ! )

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