Twilight Sparkles X Unlucky!FemReader

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Lab Partners?

(My Little Pony)

(Y/n) PoV

I was walking through the halls with my head down in shame as i grunted and whispered curses to the science teacher as i entered the library nose buried in my paper note that had an -F.
"That little- AGH !" I was interrupted as i fell on top of Twilight Sparkle one of my friends..AKA my crush...
Her purple eyes met my (E/c) ones as i blushed and got off of her. I was stuttering an apology when i suddenly fell backwards and grabbed without thinking something to stop the fall but all i grabbed was a bookshelf as all of its book fell on top of me.

"Ouuuuch~..." i said as i rubbed my head messing my (H/c) hair as i did so. She looked at me giggling and offering me a hand. I looked at her and smiled softly as she helped me get up.
"Are you okay (Y/n)?" she asked as she looked at my whole body searching for injuries. I blushed a darker (S/c) in my cheeks as i looked at her.
"Y-Yeah im fine.." i said as i stroked my (H/c) hair smiling.
She looked at me again then..
Blushed ?...
"Uh.. What's the matter and why were you muttering curses ?" she asked as i blushed more in embarrassment and showed her the paper while saying
"Don't laugh..".

She looked at me with an eyebrow raised.
"An -F.. i didn't even knew that existed.." she said as she gave me the paper back.
"Mmm.. i didn't think you do i put it....Slow at learning.. " she said as she scratched her hair.
"I'm not ! I pinkie promise! It's just that every time I'm going to take a test or make a project i accidentally burn my lab partners hair or in the tests i accidentally break the test paper and the science teacher thinks i do it to make him angry !!" i finished as i sat down a chair. (A mistake) I fell to the floor hitting my head hard as i looked weakly at the chair and it had a *Broken Leg* sign. I groaned as i felt something wet on my neck. I moved my eyes to see that Twilight had a frightened look as i blacked out.
When i woke up i was in a white room. I looked around and saw i was in a hospital. I felt an unknown weight on my right arm. I looked at my right and saw Twilight sleeping holding my hand. I shook her softly as she woke up.
"Uh? (Y/N) !" She exclaimed as she tackled me into a hug. I blushed as i hugged her back.
She blushed as she cleared her throat looking at me nervously.

"(Y-)..(Y/n)...your hands.." she blushed as i looked were my hands were... My (E/c) eyes widened as my hands were on her AS-! I mean BUN !
I removed them as i furiously blushed.
"IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY !!" I yelled blushing in embarrassment as she giggled
"Don't worry i know it was an accident.. " she said as she place a piece of my (H/c) hair behind my ear.
"You know (Y/n)... i really like you.." she said blushing. I grinned and grabbed her neck pushing her to my level as i kissed her.
"I REALLY like you too.." we smiled as we kissed each other once again.

Twilights PoV

I walked to the science classroom helping (Y/n) (or should i say girlfriend) walk to the classroom(And yes she was still weak from losing blood and hitting her head hard). The teacher nodded in knowledge at our lateness. I smiled at him and took (Y/n) to a table beside me. Everyone started laughing at my partner as Flash Sentry (I HATE that guy..) yelled.
"Look out Twilight ! Your hair might get on fire " he yelled as everyone started laughing at (Y/n).

She looked down in shame as i grew mad.
"Hey ! If you want to make fun of everyone the do it BUT don't make fun of MY girlfriend!!" i yelled as they all stopped laughing and some looked shocked and others looked down in shame.
(Y/n) smiled at me and hold my hand. I hold a book smiling nervously putting a piece of my purple hair behind my ear as i asked
"Lab partners ?" she smiled blushing as she nod
"Lab partners.." she said accidentally hitting a tube making an mini explosion on our faces painting our faces pink as a smoke heart formed as we smiled at each other and kissed giggling.

The End

(A/n: I am sooo sorry for updating late its 9:20 pm.. im soo tired my homework is killiiing meee~ this is hard but i already told it I'm trying to update everyday.
Remember to Vote,Comment,Follow me and Request ! It's very inspiring :} . Hope you guys liked it and i will see YOU on the next book or page ! )

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