I cant rectify my mistakes..

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Harrys POV:

Walking down the lonely streets of London..

No where to hide or take shelter.

The media is right behind me.Sometimes I wish I could just leave all this fame and escape from this word!

Can't I have my own dammit privacy!there are camera's,video recorders all around me..trying to capture my each and every step!

Yes,Fame and Money was all I had wanted and now that I actually have it,no one leaves me alone..

I have to think of all the consequences before I act!

So what if the media caught me snogging girls in the bar,smoking,dirty dancing,drinking..?

I mean cmon,it's my own life and I shall lead it the way I want!on my own fucking terms!

It's all true,I do drink a lot..actually I've started to drink more ever since I broke up with my ex girlfriend,Ashley..

She was too tired of hiding from the public eye so we called it off..

I showed off before her that,'Yeah I dont give a damn' attitude but it hurt inside..it really did.

I've decided never to fall in love with someone because at the end of the day,it's the heart that breaks and the spirit that crushes..

It's usually just a make-out session or a one-night stand type of think now.

I'm used to it and I'm used to my boring life.

oh,and have I told you,my bar friends have introduced me to cocains and marijuana..yup I've started doing drugs..

I seriously want to give them up but I cant! It's imppossible now!

I realize that my life is tearing apart but im like a helpless,vulnerabe creature..

The boys,especially Liam and Louis keep giving me lectures and sometimes even shout at me.

Niall and Zayn have stopped talking to me,seeing the changes in my damn behaviour!

like I care!

Everyday I come home at like 4 in the morning,completely drunk,wasted with buttons of my shirts open,pants torn and with puke all over my clothes..

It's always Niall who takes me up into ky bedroom and hands me a tablet,without uttering a word..

Everytime I'm forced to hear,"Dude,you've changed,man...where's the old Harry?"from ZAYN and I give blunt and snappy responses like,"Up your ass!find me if u can,down there"

I've becomes really short tempered..

I come late to reversals,recordings,interviews and meetings with the management!

they threaten to remove me from the band..but we all know that they can't

One Direction without me is like..a sausage without mustard..both taste yuck.

I'm awkward..really awkward..

It had started to rain.

I pulled up my hoody up my head wore on my shades and disappeared into the narrow lanes of London..

I had finally lost track of the jobless paparazzis..

I sat down near the bin in the empty dark lane,took out the white powder packet from my pocket and began inhaling the Heaven...

It really helped to fool down my nerves and relieve me of my stress.

I was too busy sniffing into my white packet when a black BMW drove right in front of me..

wait,how did it enter into the narrow lane?

I quickly put in the packet back inbmy pocket and pulled up my shades..what if it was the paparazzi or some rich fan

the windows soon scrolled down and I saw the man whose face I dreaded the most..Simon Cowell..

Holy cow,Holy trinity..I was screwed big time.

He took a peek at me and signalled through his fingers asking me to get in..

I could see the frown he wore from his wrinkled skin..

Boy,this was going to be one longgggg ridee...

AUTHORS NOTE::::::::::::::::-----------------------------------

How did u guys like the story so far?

I absolutely know that HARRY isn't a drug addict..he's as pure as a cupcake with white coating on it..yummy..

Anyways..I'll update soon..xx

So excited to write moreeee!!!

Keep giving me feedbacks n votes so that I know how im doing..kay?


DO Not forget to Vote,Fan n Comment..



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