The deadly call

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sup chica's!Here is another chapter hope you all like it. UNEDITED

Harry's POV:--


'Harry I know you are still in there.'

'Harry don't do this.'

'You can be a better person without these drugs.'

'Harry plese don't hurt yourself my little boy.'

I could hear my mom's voice.she really want's me to stop all this and have a normal life but she just does not get it.

My iphone started buzzing and I woke up suddenly.I checked to see who called and the minute I saw his name I jumped out of my comfortable bed - Simon cowell.

It was 7:00 in the morning and Simon had called me 10times at 4:00 in the morning and I had no idea.I was palnnig on getting some rest before I start my Hectic schdule and then later call Simon.

I just hit the bed and it is up to the sun god how long I would sleep.


'Harry sir!'

'Harry sir!'

I opend my eyes to see who it was and it was my butler Martin

'What is it Martin I asked?'

'Sir It's 3 in the afternoon and you have a interview with Ricky Joe.'.It was very kind of him to remeber that.

'Well....thank you Martin and I will be there in 5'.

He just bow's and leaves the room.

I dragged myself to the washroom and sank into a pool of hot water.Yep! POOL of water my Bathtub was huge as compared to others and who am I kidding money can buy you happiness sometimes.

I quicky changed into fresh pair of clothes and hope they don't smell like drugs.

I rushed down the stairs and walked to my kicthen to see what we have for lunch.Martin told me that all the lunch is laid on the dining table.

I quickly gobbled down my food and met the Guys at the set.

'So how is it going with you guys?'.

'A-okay!'.Said Niall jumping out of his seat.

GOOD TO HEAR THAT'.Does'ent this guy have something better do ?.This is boring, I wish I was smoking coke.It makes me forget everything.All the stress and dumping girls and whatever that adds up to my life.



'Wow the drug effect huh?'.Said Rickey.

'Aha!No I was just wish to be somewhere else but here'.I snapped at him.

Zayn nudged me probably to tell me to stop, but this guy has nothing to do with my life and especially when it comes to drugs.

'So Niall any luck in finding your princess?'.Changed the topic huh?Poor niall has nothing to say, he is just smiling and hies cheeks are growing red.We all are just staring at him blankly and to break the silance 'He not looking for a relationship right now and.We are really busy with the world tours and all it is a busy and a really hectic schedule.'I answered.

'Must be really tireing huh?'.Asked Rickey.

'Ya it is pretty'.Answered Liam.

'So now let us talk about your diet.You guys seem well built but just a question tingling at the back of my head '.

'Well we Have a diet scheme to keep our bodies fit when we are at home and while travelling we have to follow it but mostly when we are travelling we eat airplane food(laughs)'.Answered Louis.

'Ok.So harry you seem a bit tired.You haven't been taking drugs all night ?'Asked Rickey.That's it enough is enough.I've had it with this guy and he seem's to get on my last F***ing nerve.

'Shut up you old cunt!'.I yelled at him and made my way out of this place.

I just rush up to the washroom and I banged my hand hard on the wall.

'Harry?!'.Said Niall.

'Niall not now plese just leave me alone'.

All of them rush in and ask me if I am ok.But I am not.Honestly,I have problems.

'I just want to go back home'. I said

'Well then home it is'.I am really glad that these guys understand me and are always there to support me.

------------------------------------Harry's Home------------------------------------------------

Now that I am home I finally have some peace.The other guys apoligsed to Rickey on my behalf because I did not want to talk to him.

My phone started buzzing again.

Simon.UH-oo I am in deep sh*t.He called because of the incident that had happened today.

I hesitated to pick up but I had no choice but to answer it.



simon-'What were you thinking out there!?'

Harry-'Sorry simon,he was pissing me off and I just could not control myself but least I did not hurt him.....'

Simon-'Harry....I am sorry to say this but if you countinue like this...I will have to replace you with someone else.'What!! Those 2 words just don't seem to sink in- Replace you.With who is he going to replace me with?Girls love me. I am like the spolight.

Harry-'Simon I ......'

Simon-'Listen harry I have no have a bad reputation and I just do not want your fans to get influenced by that'.

Harry-'Bad reputation?!'

Simon-'I am a well wisher of yours and always will be but.....Listen harry just take my words seriously.You will get out of England and Shift to America-Clifornia for a while.I will not encourage you to go to rehab but like I said last time I have assigned you a personal Therapist and she will take all your sessions Till you stop your obsession.You cannot say no because I have already booked the tickets and have already arranged a place to stay but if you say no feel free to pack your bags and go back home.Just think about it and give ma a call.

With that he hung up the phone.I was just listening to him, had no nerve to say a word.Move to Amarica?Personal therapist?-what am I a cancer paitent?leave the boys?.All this is killing me if I do not listen to Simon I will have to quit 1-D .........This is my career, my life.If I get kicked out no other record producer will take me in because of the drugs thingy and my rash attitude.Man this is like a life or death situation.I have no other choice but to say 'Yes'.so I called up Simon.

Harry-'Simon it is a yes.I'll do it.'

Simon-'Ok then!This is for your own good Harry'

----End call-----

Boy! now that sure was a deadly call.

How do you like it?Soooo... sorry it took time and promise will update the next chapter soon.

Did you check our new cover?Harry and kendall.They make a nice couple don't they?

So if you liked it comment/vote.

Sorry guys, we have no clue about drugs and all that so we just wrote what we knew about drugs.


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