Dinner Fight

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Harry's POV:

"So harry tell me how it all started?". well since she is my therapist I have to tell her. I mean if I don't communicate with her properly then simon would rip every single curl of mine.

"Well................I umm...........It.......".she was just sitting there waiting for an answer. She did not rush me at any cost and that fact I liked about her.

"Ya........take your time I am listening and do not stress on a thing"

"Don't call me stupid okay?"

"Hey! no promises styles". She said with a wink.

"Ok! So........................I ...........well one day I got a call that I have to leave London and go on a world tour and all that but back home I had this amazing brunette whom I adored the most......she meant the world to me but My career is important too and told her that I had to leave and she was like 'Boy! I am more f***ing important than your stupid world tour' So your just going to leave me like that for 2 years?' ........................and I told her she was being stupid and all that................and I did tell her that she could call me everyday and vedio chat but she just did not listen to me she just left me and The next day she was cheating on me with another guy. So I just kicked that guys a** and we got into a terrible physical fight and I called it a quite and It was all over the news and people started calling me an a**hole, slut and all the words that describe a hooker........................................................They just don't know how and why it happened and started calling me names and soooo much hate on twitter so I could not take it anymore and I shunned out everyone who came my way and I started on one packet but slowly I got addicted and began to take more and more and voila look where that has got me .....?'

"Wow that was a good story but let me tell you one thing you are such a prick".

That's it man I have had it I told her why and now she sits there like a queen and calls me a PRICK?????!!

"Sky! Get the hell out of my house!".

"Harry!.............Listen okay................!'

"No sky! I have had it with you! F***ing B**ch! get the F*** out of my house !!!". I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of my house>

"Harry...............................Listen....".Tears started streaming down her face.

"I give a F*** get out now!". My nails dug deep down her skin. she f***ing deserves it!

"Let go off me you son of a B**ch!!". She yelled at me.


He suddenly slapped me hard right on the cheek. No words could actually describe how angry I am.

Tears slowly rolling down my eyes. I could not control my god damn emotions.


"No I do not want to listen to you!. now........Get the hell out of my expensive house you little brat!"

"Fine I will call up Simon and tell him how much of a jerkface you are".

"Call the damn looser I don't care!".

Right we both are fighting outside his house and it is late at night. Does not this guy have any manners or to show some respect? I am his f***in paid therapist and he treats me like that?

"Listen harry you know what your problem is? you just bother about how other people think and don't listen to yourself at all and the whole reason you are stuck in this situation is because you and your stupid decisions. See harry I know I can be a B**** at times and say things but the reason why I called you a prick is because you are one and the fact that you listen to your followers and reading all that hate tweets just doubles up your work and you get more frustrated and so look where that has got you!Drugs! bottom line death!.I know you love you fans and you respect them and listen to them and all but at the end of the it is your voice in your head that matters, they can make you realise things but you can change it".

He just stands there looking at me. Pokerface. Smarta** got nothing to say?

"I have said what I wanted to so I guss this will be our last time and meeting and btw I am sure you made wonderful food but am very sorry I could not taste it and I guss this is goodbye so.................bye!"

Facing my back towards him.

With that I started my car and drove off to my house.

well...............that was one heck of a day and one heck of a Session.

HEY GUYS! Sorry this chappie is short SORRY:/

Btw we are really devastated by Cory's death so we are dedicating the chapter to him.


We live for those feedbacks guys!!


The Therapist(A Harry Styles Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang