Utter shock

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SKY's POV: So here I am waiting for Harry for another warm session near the fire place.....calm , cozy and relaxed .........

"OH! hey sky!". He beamed with a million dollar smile and the dimples just make it reach a hundred and million. Um........how about you WAKE UP!! Screams my subconscious mind.

"Oh! Hi there Harry lovely to see you too!". Basic British courtesy.

"So...shall we begin?". I really want him to open up more so that I get to know more about this ex-girlfriend of his...

" HEY.....Sky..just gotta go and fire my maid because she um....poured gravy on my pants....and she has been really worn out and really shows no energy to work ..."

"Ok ..go ahead and come back soon ..".

With that He leaves the room and here I am sitting all alone waiting for his glorious return again.

"But sir......I really need this job!!"......

I could hear a woman cry at the end of the hallway.

"Don't you dare talk back to me like that! I am your boss!'.

I could hear Harry yell back at her...

I slowly make my way to the hallway and find a woman sort of 40ish sobbing into her hands...Poor her she looks no harm and she really sounded like she needed the job ...god knows why he fired her?

"Hey ....don't do all this bullshit with me ....You are just putting up an act so that you can get away with it and sit and laze around all day and I work hard and pay you for nothing!".

UH -OH! I better go and stop him before he hurts her!

"Harry!". I shout.

"What!?". He snapped back.

"Leave her be...all she did was spill gravy on your pants!".

" Sky you stay out of this!".

"Harry sir , I have 3 kids back at home and I really need the job!".

"Then go marry a rich man!". Harry yelled at her face.

"Harry! This lady deserves some respect!". I yell at him.

"Sky! get back into the room and you once again your fired!".

I stomp my way out of the room and sit on the armchair near the fire..

"Hey! sorry about that love..". H e called me LOVE?!?! Can I like just do a happy dance right there ...YAy! he called me love!!!!! He just Called you love not ask you to marry him....

"Listen harry its all right but she really needed the job...".

"Can we like end this topic and start with the session?".

"Ya .......sure...".

"Sky can I ask you something?."

"Sure ...anything!".

"What if I tell you that I got my EX pregnant and have no idea what to do and just feel like taking more of them drugs to forget about the god damn baby and her?".

I just sit and laugh.

"Well .......an excellent situation you go there Harry ... but lets no get there shall we and talk about you EX?".

" What if the situation is really true?". I could sense a hint of some seriousness in his voice.

"Harry......is it by any chance......".

Hey guys! Thank for all the reads we are really thankful and we also need some feedback about the story because we can Improve on it and make this book more enjoyable!.

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