Breakfast and Kisses

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Sorry lad's it took so long.But, without further ado meet thing 1 and thing 2!

Nah just kidding here is the chappie!


" sky,why is that all the bad things happen to me?" I asked her as I was unable to perform a simple task-Flipping a pancake.

Sky starts laughing and then her look changes almost as the speed of light.

" Are you okay sky?" I ask, because the look she gave me earlier was just not her.I have never seen her so upset.

"Yah! Well ..... I just don't have a boyfriend!".She says with a confused look on her face. She is a really pretty girl ...maybe I could set her up with any of one of the guys.

But, I have this very guilty feeling. I might have some connection with her .....Heck She is the only person who is consistent in my life. Everyone, just walks in and leave just when they want to.

"Um....OK." I said to her.

"Well...lets eat our breakfast shall we?."

"Yes, sure I am starved."

She lays the table and plates. As we take our seats the phone rings.I groan and walk up to my phone and answer it.


"Harry My man! It's has been so long." I immediately recognize the voice.

"Zayn. How is it going bro?." It has been really long since I have spoken with the guys.

"Nothing much...oh well Perrie dumped me!."

"Oh that arse!".I knew this would happen.She was just after him for his fame.

"Yah Its over now.I really don't want to talk about my Fucked up life right now.Let's talk about about something else..". He sounded really hurt and broken. Poor boy.

I just walk back to the dining table and see sky looking up at the ceiling. She has not even started her breakfast.

I clear me throat so that she is informed that someone is in the room.I point out to her plate and ask her to go ahead and start eating and I put my 5 fingers in the air signaling that the phone call wont take long and walk out of the room.

"Yah...what were you saying again?." I asked Zayn. I lost track of our conversation.

"How is America?".Asked zayn.

" It is good! I really like it here." I say. I really do.

" Oh... I really want to get away from everything over here."

" Ah.. Why don't you come over here?!".

" Yes.. I would love to! I'll hop on to the next flight".

"Ok. Will talk more once you get here. And don't forget to bring your toothbrush. I ain't going to share mine because a man never does."

"Haha sure man! Anything else!? Like my own spoon and fork?."

I laugh at his comment.

"Yah! Sure."

"And harry .. How are the girls there?".

I walk back to the dining hall and see sky eating her food.I sit myself down and grab hold of the maple syrup.

"Sweet and delicious". As I read the print one the syrup bottle.

"Ok!see you soon!".

" You too!".

"Sorry sky...its zayn called and he is going through a rough time."

"Its fine! Hey... Is he the guy with the bandana tattoo?"

" um..yah why?".

" He is HOT!". She smirks.

" So are you." I blurt out.

"Umm...thank you?"


Since harry did not ask me about the events that took place in my meeting with ashley.

I choose not to speak about it. I have had three sessions with him and I have some how managed to keep my mouth shut about it. Ashely had an abortion and was not willing to keep the baby.She could not afford it all the money need to raise a baby.

Her parents kicked her out of her house and harry walked out on her. She worked at a bookshop during the day and as a bartender for a nightshift. She managed to earn some money and used it for abortion.She now lives with her friend at a rented apartment.

I really felt sorry for her because she had no support.She worked her way through it and solved her problems.Harry on the other hand has everything the money the fame,everything.

But, he still acts like he owes none.

He keeps telling me that he would listen to whatever I say but I can still see that there is no difference. He always keeps to himself. Even Ashely hated that when she was dating him.

Every now and then It tries leaving my mouth that the baby is gone but somehow i say stupid things to cover it up. He told me that he is planning on seeing her when the baby is born. But sooner or later Somebody has to break the news.

" sky ..." Harry snaps his fingers at me.

" yes harry?".

" Are you ok? You blanked out for 3 mins".

" oh really? Has it been that long?". Woah I am such a deep thinker.

" Sky... My friend zayn is coming over here and ......could you help me showing him around the town? I want to meet Ashely on that particular day. I just want yo meet her and see how she is doing you know like the baby and stuff".

He did not just say that.

"You can do that over the phone you know.?"

" Umm... No that would be really impolite".

" You did that to her for the past few months why is it so hard to do that now?".

He walks over to me and backs my chair up to the wall and stands in front of me and looks down at me with his breath fanning face " You don't tell me what to do".

"I was just saying harry!" I snap.

His potion still remains the same "Getting angry aren't we miss sky? I like it when you get angry.". I smirk and laugh at his comment.

I duck down and manage to get off my chair. He suddenly pulls me and pushes me back to the wall. I really pity the wall. He put my hands over my head and hold them. Is trying to teach me yoga or really Horney?

"Sky.....". With that he kisses my lips I don't kiss him back and l gets really possessive and makes his way in and I hopelessly give up. This feels awesome

I really like it.

I wrap my thighs around his hip and he Kiss him like there is no tomorrow.He lays me down on the table and traces his hands along my white shirt near my hip.

A moan escapes my mouth and I quickly shut up.

" Moaning ..... Thats the sound people make when they want more of this". He says.Damn his voice is so raspy.

He comes closer to me again but we were interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Harry sir, You have a visitor".

He groans and walks over to the door and stops and walks back to me and kisses me hard on my lips and I just go with the flow.....I seem to really like it.

He stops and says "Wait, don't move".

I nod my head.

I could hear him scream " Ashely!"

Oh no! Why her?

Hey guys!

Sorry we have not updated for a really Loooooooong time. But, harry and sky shared their first kiss!! OMG yay! There is more drama coming up that you would not like to miss. I will updated soon! Robin Williams died recently..:( R.I.P. We love you so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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