Chapter Five

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           "I'm a what?" I asked. "A werewolf," Kidd repeated and I switched my confused look to him. "You're all crazy... If you think werewolves exist then you're definitely crazy," I said and went to get up. The blonde, Alyssa, grabbed my wrist again and I let out an inhuman snarl that startled me.

           She looked at me with surprise and accomplishment. I snatched my arm from her with such brute force her fingernails cut me like blades. She looked at my wrist with horror before I turned and ran away.


           I ran into the bathroom to find no one in there. I turned around and locked the door and walked to the sink to examine my stinging wrist. Blood was everywhere. It was dripping off my fingertips and down my arm.

           There was some knocking at the door and then with a solid push it busted open. Jacob walked in, I backed away from him. "I followed the drops of blood... And the smell," he said and I backed up further.

           "Wren, stop it," he said and I shook my head, "werewolves don't exist!" I shouted and he stepped closer and I backed up until my back was against the wall. He didn't stop until he was right in front of me.

           The door opened and after a moments hesitation Jacob turned around to see a petite blonde girl standing in the doorway, staring. She glanced at me, looked at the blood on the sink and the floor and my arm. "Get out of here!" Jacob shouted and she scurried off.

           "Why did you do that?" I asked shakily and he turned back to me. "I'll fix that later, but for now we need to talk and we need to get you cleaned up," Jacob said. He reached for my injured arm and I pulled away, "Wren, please stop that, you don't have to be scared of me, you're the same thing as I am," he said.

           I was shaking my head before he was done. "I'm nothing like you," I said venomously and he glanced at me. "You're a werewolf and I can prove it," Jacob said and I shook my head. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him where his ice blue eyes were glowing. There was the weird urge to challenge him but I dismissed it.

           "Look at me, Wren," he said in a strange voice that sounded like a growl when I looked away. "Don't deny it," he said and I looked back into his eyes and I got the feeling to run. Then my eyes started burning and I was about to scream but Jacob put a hand over my mouth and muffled it.

           I squirmed in my own skin. It was uncomfortable and a weird feeling.Then Jacob spoke "Look in the mirror," he said and pulled me to stand in front of the mirror.

           I hesitantly glanced at the mirror to see both my one blue eye and one green eye were glowing brightly, like a new star. "You're one of us," he said and I didn't realize I had stopped breathing until his eyes stopped glowing and I almost collapsed, gasping for breath. Still, I shook my head.

           "I can't be one of you, I've never been different my whole life, except that I was a foster kid and that was it," I said. "The moment you were born with that birthmark you were different and your whole family knew it," Jacob said wetting a paper towel. "What's the birthmark have to do with this?" I asked as he pressed the paper towel to my cut and I grimaced.

           "It marks you as one of us, but not being born with your own kind is what brought it on. None of the others have it because we were born a pack. Your the outsider that was brought to us, so now we have to do everything to keep you in the pack," Jacob said.

           "I heard my biological dad had one, one that my mother never saw before I was born," I said.

          "Because he moved away from the pack, our parents pack, there is almost always seven in a pack and that's why you were eventually brought here. We can't escape our fate and neither can you. You're a part of us now and your now under my protection as I'm Alpha," Jacob said dabbing the dried blood.

           "I have no choice?" I asked and he glanced up at me. I never noticed his high cheekbones or how his hair only fell into his left eye sine that was the way his hair fell, or his lean yet muscular build that was just like his supposed wolf. "No," he answered, wiping my hand so no more dried blood was visible.

           "I only started changing when I got here, why is that?" I asked. "Because it's the packs power, if you're a werewolf that hasn't changed then your pack will bring it on," he said. "So what was the thing you did in the woods? The circle? The howl?" I asked.

           "That was me and my pack marking you, telling the others that you were ours," Jacob said. "Others?" I asked and he glanced at me before dabbing the wound again. "What others?" I asked and he sighed, "vampires," he said. I looked at him like he was stupid, I couldn't help it.

           "I thought you would look at me like that, you just learned of werewolves and I didn't want to spring too much on you at once, but if you can't take it then you don't belong with us," Jacob said. I looked down at my wrist, three cuts spread across the entire length of my wrist, going in a diagonal line. They were beading up with blood again so he pressed the paper towel down and I held in a scream.

           I glanced at him to find him watching my face expression, still he let up on the pressure and I sighed in relief. "Sorry," he said and I shook my head, "it's fine," I said. "So, starting tomorrow I'm a part of your pack?" I asked and he nodded.

           "I know it's only been a couple days but we couldn't leave you unclaimed for that long," Jacob said. I looked up and he continued so I looked back down. "My pack means everything to me so if any member was injured or killed I would see it as not being a strong enough Alpha and it being my fault for their passing or injuries," he said. I glanced at him and saw a swirl of emotion in his usually cold eyes and he glanced away before I could see more.

           "I'll go get you something to cover it with," he said. "Stay here," he added and it sounded kind of like a command and I knew if it was going to be like this then I couldn't handle his commands. I was my own person and I was going to do whatever I wanted too, without having to have permission for every little thing.


Vampires too? Who would've though? XD

I hope you guys enjoyed!!

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Picture----> Ethan

Love you guys!! <3


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