Chapter Six

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           Jacob came back with a big Band-Aid and some gauze. "You won't really need this but everyone saw you get cut and run away so this will have to do," he said. "Why wouldn't I need it?" I asked and he glanced up then back down at the ground, "your blood, it has healing properties, you shouldn't have to keep a wound for long," he explained.

           I looked down at my wrist to see the skin already trying to pull together but the wound was still strangely deep. "How did her nails cut so deep?" I asked, "probably because she was gripping so hard and you pulled away with such force," Jacob said and I nodded. He looked up at me and I glanced at the ground, "I know this will probably be a big change but you'll get used to it, we all did," Jacob said.

           "Well I'm not like you guys," I said and instantly wanted to take it back. I wasn't the one to usually snap, I was more quiet than outgoing. My cheeks heated and I glanced up at Jacob but I didn't see anything to be embarrassed about. He was just looking at me with curiosity, which really wasn't any better.

           "If your done, I'm going to go," I said and he nodded, wrapping the last wing of the Band-Aid around my wrist. I headed for the door and as I reached for it, it opened and a tall blonde was standing there. Along with three other girls behind her who all wore the same smug expressions.

           "Well, well, looks like Jake here has found himself a new girlfriend," the front blonde said. "More like a new freak," said one in the back and it was trailed with snickers from the others. "Leave her alone, I was just cleaning her wrist, nothing to make of it," Jacob said bitterly. The girl in front gave a small chuckle and walked towards him.

           "Don't get your fur in a bunch," she whispered as she went by and the three other girls followed behind with smug looks at Jacob and a cast of hatred to me, "don't worry, I don't need a posse to present myself anyway," he said. With a speechless look on the girl's face Jacob and I walked out and we weren't followed, thankfully. "Who were they? They clearly knew your secret," I said, "they're some of the vampires, and the head girl in there was Vanessa, and the three body guards were Jane, Fawn, and Haley. They've got three more guys in their vampire group," Jacob said but didn't elaborate.

           "Something I should worry about?" I asked, "probably, she knows that we want you in our pack from our posted claim so Vanessa might taunt you some, but I'll do my best to stop that," Jacob said. I looked at the ground, thinking, it was cut short by the bell. "I'll meet you after school, you should get to your last class," Jacob said as students started filing in.

           I nodded and he broke away from me and towards his own class. I followed down the edge of the hallway to my last class and took my seat before it started. No one really questioned my bandage because word had already gotten around. Mostly I just got worried or wary looks from different people.

           "Are you okay?" Aria said from behind me and I turned around. She gestured to my wrist and I nodded, "it's cool that you ditched on lunch, I could see why," she gestured to my wrist again. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't really have much of a choice in the matter," I said soft enough so no one around would hear.

           Aria smiled, "it's okay, I'll try to get to you before Jacob and his group do," she said with a wink and I smiled and nodded. I turned back around to listen to the lesson but I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd learned, werewolves didn't exist, it was impossible. And posted claim? I'd have to ask Jacob about it later.


          When class was over and I was walking down the hall to get to my car I felt like everyone was staring at me. Sure enough, when I glanced up, I caught about three pairs of eyes before everyone else looked away. I looked down at my wrist and peeled the Band-Aid back to see the deep cuts mere scratches with red rimming them.

          As I walked I felt someone bump me and my books spewed over the floor along with my papers. I heard laughter behind me and my face heated, I turned around to see Vanessa and her posse. I got angry, I don't know where it came from but I felt it like hot coals in my stomach.

          "What the hell is your problem?" I asked and she made a shocked face, "she speaks," she said and her face twisted into a grin. I fisted my hands and she giggled, "what are you going to do? Fight me?" Vanessa asked. I shook my head and looked down at my hands and saw my nails citing into my palm. I opened my hands and saw my nails a bit longer and sharper then it receded. Nothing big enough to worry about, werewolves don't exist. That's what I told myself.

          I bent down and got my books and whirled away from her and her posse and their laughter followed behind me. I started running then. Everyone looked at me but I didn't care at the moment, I just kept running.

          I eventually reached the double doors and I busted through them, never breaking speed. I kept running through the parking lot and didn't stop at my car, I went into the woods. I saw Jacob and his 'pack' standing at the edge of the school but I ignored them.

          I heard one of them call my name but still, I didn't stop. I ran through many trails and jumped a couple small creeks  and jumped rock to rock over one of the larger creeks. I wasn't sure how I'd known, but I was sure if I went through the water I wouldn't be followed.

          I only started to tire when I crossed my fifth creek. I stopped at a tree and I couldn't breathe, I was heaving for  breath. I wasn't even sure why I was running. Maybe it was from the stress, or the refusal to believe in what this town had in it. I really didn't know.

          I sat at that tree for about half an hour. Just thinking. I heard footsteps behind me and I whirled around to find... No one. I looked up the tree and found a low branch, I climbed up.

          I climbed high enough that the branches would cover me but not high enough to where I couldn't see the ground. Someone past under me but I couldn't tell who it was, all I saw was dark hair. I could tell from the build that it was a guy though.

          I dropped from the tree through a clear spot and landed on the back of the guy. I could tell that when I dropped onto his back he was more startled than anything. "Wren?" I heard Kidd's voice say, I dropped from his back and glared up at him.

           "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked and I looked away, "why did you follow me?" I asked. "Because when you ran through the parking lot we all came looking for you, I caught your scent but we lost you in the creek so we split up and followed any trace we caught of you," Kidd explained. "Well you shouldn't have, I'm fine," I said and he gave me a doubtful look.

           "I am, I can take care of myself," I said and he gave a wry grin. "Well come on, I should tell Jake I found you," Kidd said. "No, I'm fine on my own," I said sternly. "The others are around here too, they probably caught your scent when you dropped from the tree so they should be here soon," Kidd said. I shook my head and walked away with Kidd at my heels.


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Picture----> Carter

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