Chapter Seventeen

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Aero shot to his feet and bounded for the door, grabbing Gray along the way. They huddled together for a few seconds discussing the issue. I wondered why rogues would be trying to get into these pack grounds. This event was just more reason for me to stick around and find out what's going on here.

Aero then looked at me, "you stay here, we don't need you in any worse condition than you already are," he said and then pointed at Harlee, "stay with her," he finished and the three boys took off out the door.

I glanced at Harlee about the same time she glanced at me and we stared at each other dumbfounded. She gave me a small smile that I returned before she walked over. "I'm Harlee, if you couldn't tell," she said with a smile and held out her hand.

I cautiously glanced at her hand before slowly taking it, "Wren," I answered.

"That's a really pretty name," she said cheerfully.

I gave her a small smile, "so is Harlee," I said and she gave me a bright smile.

"Thanks!" she exclaimed.

I cringed slightly at her high-pitched voice that made my ears ring, "so what was that about?" I asked, taking my mind off of my ears.

"Oh, probably nothing, rogues have been wanting this land for a long time," Harlee answered and I picked up on her heart rate change.

"You're lying," I said, cutting my eyes up at her.

She sighed, "fine, I didn't want to worry you but here it goes, the rogues have been attacking us ever since you arrived. They want you dead and they keep saying things like you're going to bring our kind and the vampire race to extinction and things like you're too powerful for this world and so on," Harlee explained.

I looked at her in horror, "what are they talking about? How'd they find out I was with you guys?" I asked

Harlee shrugged, "don't worry about it, just try to get some sleep," she suggested and I shook my head.

"I can't sleep knowing people who I barely even know are fighting for me," I said.

"It is for you, but more or less for the Werewolf Council," Harlee said and I gave her a questioning look. She caught my look and sighed, "you're very valuable to the Werewolf Council, why? I have no idea, but every pack in the world knows it," she explained.

"Every werewolf pack?" I asked curiously.

Harlee nodded, "and every vampire clan," she stated and then the room started to spin.

I put a hand on my head and closed my eyes as Harlee quickly sat me down in a chair. I opened my eyes and started to process all this information. "I was supposed to go to a meeting with them. I thought it was to discuss the consequences of being part werewolf and part vampire, but now I'm not sure," I said more or less to myself.

"So the part about you being part vampire as well as part werewolf is true?" Harlee asked and I nodded. "Then you probably are being sent for that reason, but I doubt that's it," she said.

"Why would I need to be seen for that?" I asked.

"Because it is strongly prohibited to turn a werewolf or vampire into both species even if it is highly unlikely that they will survive, you're honestly a walking miracle, a bite from the other species is almost definitely fatal. In your case, since your werewolf side had yet to be activated and Jake activated it as you were turning into a vampire after Wyatt bit you puts your being as breaking the law and Wyatt and Jake being the cause of it," Harlee explained.

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