Chapter Twelve

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          I woke up with light streaming into my room from the window. I then heard a knock at my door. "Come in," I said. The door creaked open and Kidd stepped through the crack in the door.

          "You're awake?" Kidd asked.

          "Yes, I just woke up," I said, stretching.

          "Okay, I'll tell Jake, do you need anything?" He asked.

          "No, thank you though," I said.

          Kidd nodded and then stepped out my room and shut the door. I got up and walked to the mirror. I was shocked by the reflection. My face was spotless, my dark circles under my eyes were gone, and my featured seemed more defined. I touched my long, black hair and noticed how it looked healthier, it even felt healthier.

          The door opened and Jake walked in. He saw me looking at my reflection and he smiled. "Werewolves are healthy creatures so when you turned you became the healthiest you could ever get," Jake explained.

          I nodded and he walked over to me. "Did you need something?" I asked after a few moments.

          "Just to ask you if you wanted to come to the woods with us and run, it'll help you get in touch with your wolf side," Jake replied.

          "Okay, I'll go, but─," I started. Jake looked up at me, "─but how much vampire did I get?" I asked.

          "As far as I can tell you didn't even get a vampire transformation, which is where you get fangs and glowing eyes and claws in human form, it seems like you just got vampire speed and the sharper teeth as a wolf. I don't know if you can do any vampire things as a human," Jake explained.

           "So it seems like I'm more werewolf?" I asked hopefully.

          "Yes, but it mainly depends on one thing," Jake said and walked over to my dresser. He pulled out a knife that was engraved with a design and a few word. "Every member of the pack gets one. They are made by the packs foreteller, there is only one and she is a part of our great grandparent's pack, she sees into the future of the next generation of packs and creates knives like these with inscriptions based on what she saw. Each knife is different from the other members of the pack," Jake explained holding it up for me to see.

          "Yours was placed here when our pack was created but you weren't here to claim it," Jake said, turning it sideways so I could read it.

The one whose soul is split, but may her true powers bless the pack

          "I wasn't sure what the first part meant until now, but I know you were meant to be with us, there is only one thing that determines it," Jake said.

          "What's that?" I asked.

          Jake handed me the knife and took me by the wrist and pulled me with him out my room, down the stairs, and into a truck. Jake got in the driver's seat and started down the road. A few minutes later he parked at the grocery store and then took my wrist again and lead me inside.

          "What are we doing here?" I asked.

          "Give me your knife," he said and I hesitantly handed it to him.

          "If you gained the blood lusting trait then you won't crave my blood, you'll crave human," he said and looked around.

          "Jake, what are you going to do?" I asked worriedly.

          "You see that guy over there?" Jake asked.

          I looked around and saw a tall, built guy walking to his truck. "Yes, but what does it matter?" I asked.

          Jake put an arm around my shoulders, I was guessing for show, and started walking towards the guy. When we walked passed him Jake shouldered him. Jake quickly turned around and looked at the guy, anger written on both their faces.

          "You got a problem, man?" Jake asked angrily.

          "Yeah, you just ran into me," the guy said with a deep voice.

          They got in each other's faces, Jake was about an inch or two taller so he looked down at the guy. "Last time I checked, you ran into me," Jake said.

          The guy shoved Jake back but Jake barely moved an inch, "that was me running into you," the guy said angrily.

          Jake pulled out my knife, "oh, really?" Jake asked.

          The guy looked momentarily frightened but his want to win the fight overcame it and anger washed over his face again. "Really," the guy said, popping his knuckles. The guy swung at Jake but Jake dodged and sliced the knife upwards.

          The knife gashed the guys forearm and Jake backed up to me. He looked down at me as the guy held his arm. The cut wasn't deep enough to need stitches; it was only deep enough to make him bleed.

          "How are you feeling?" Jake asked.

          I had a shocked expression, but the smell of iron and another smell I couldn't identify filled the air, "I smell the blood, but I don't want it," I answered, recomposing myself.

          Jake shot a grin to the guy and winked before he took my wrist and pulled me back to the truck. I heard the guy yelling, "get back here!" He shouted at Jake but Jake kept walking, his purpose for the fight being completed, he didn't have a reason to go back.

          "I'll notify Wyatt that you're more werewolf and you don't crave blood so you'll be staying with us, as if I would have let you go with him anyway," Jake said, completely ignoring the guy as he continued to shout. I was still in shock that Jake had actually cut someone just to see if I wanted their blood.

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