Chapter Eighteen

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I looked up at Aero as he refused to let go of my hand. The guy that had attacked me was backed up against the wall out of fright. I looked around, but Harlee was nowhere to be seen and I could only see the boot of the other guy in the hallway. I looked at all the glass again that was surrounding the living room and kitchen.

The guy looked at me before stepping up to Aero. "You know she's telekinetic and telepathic right? She can perform extravagant amounts of telekinesis and can go to great lengths to perform telepathy," the guy said and Aero's hand tightened around mine.

"I know, but in the name of the Wests, you have been demanded to leave this girl alone. You've broken a demand from the king, the only punishment is death," Aero said and glanced at me.

"Close your eyes," he said and then turned back to the guy. I didn't listen to Aero though. I was too curious about what he was going to do.

Aero bent his head down and then suddenly the guy in front of us started moving his hand with the glass in it up to his throat. Aero suddenly turned around and held my head against his chest with a hand over my ear, blocking my view and my hearing. I distantly heard a muffled scream before a light thud hit the ground. Any other sounds were lost against Aero's chest and hand.

Aero stepped away after a few seconds and then glanced around, "Harlee, come out," he said.

Harlee rose from behind the island in the kitchen looking like she'd just seen a ghost. Aero walked over to her and she ran up to him and hugged him as tight as she could.

"God, it was terrible," Harlee said.

"Tell me what happened," Aero said.

Harlee handed him a phone with a video pulled up. Aero glanced at her before she glanced at me. I stepped silently up beside Aero as he clicked play. It was clearly shot from behind the island in the kitchen, but it was aimed at me standing in front of the guy with him on his knees shaking his head.

Then that's when the guy ran forward at me, knocking me over and making me crash into the glass table. Aero glanced away then and then looked back with an emotionless expression when her heard the guy saying that I was doing this to him and he had to stop me. Then it showed the guy digging the piece of glass into my neck and then Aero shot his glance down to the cut on my neck.

"Look, this is where it really gets interesting," Harlee said and Aero and I both looked back at the video.

I saw myself close my eyes and then the pieces of glass raise around me and then when I opened my eyes and looked at the pale white face of the guy and he dug the glass in deeper and I screamed. When I screamed it was as if the glass came into a quick ball around me and then shot outwards as fast as a bullet. The hand holding the phone, Harlee, jumped as a piece of glass came directly at the phone and that's where the video ended.

"There's your proof Aero," Harlee said.

"Proof for what?" I asked.

Aero glanced at me and then Harlee, "I told them about you reading my mind and speaking into it when we first met you and I shared my theory that the changes you were undergoing this past week was your body getting accustomed to using your telepathy and possibly telekinesis," Aero explained.

"Oh, well, what did my pack think? Or did you not tell them?" I asked.

"I shared my theories with them, but they quickly decided that it was most likely not that because you'd never shown any symptoms like that before," Aero said and paused, "I'm going to send this video to them to prove it," he finished.

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