Chapter Nine

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I fought against Wyatt's hand around my mouth but it was firm. "Be still," Wyatt said and I shook my head and he sighed and releasing my mouth. He turned me around and wrapped both arms around me. "Wyatt, let me go," I said and he chuckled.

"Why are you here?" I asked and he turned me to face him and let me go since I had calmed down. "Jake wants you... I made a promise to myself that I would make his life a living hell the day we met," Wyatt said. "What did he do?" I asked and Wyatt stared at me for a few moments and a his eyes turned dark and cold, "his family murdered my whole family and almost all of my clan, he helped with that," Wyatt said and turned me around, wrapping his arms around me, again.

The only difference was this time we moved as fast as lightening out of my window and down to the ground outside my window before he let me go again. He grabbed my hand and started pulling us to the woods, "where are you taking me?" I asked. He looked back at me and then his head snapped back to the woods.

"If I let Jake have you and you turn then that ruins everything so I'm going to do something that makes you useless to him but doesn't make me have to kill you. I want him to look at what I did to you for the rest of his life," Wyatt explained. "What are you going to do?" I asked snatching my hand from his with such force my hand actually freed from his.

"I'm going to turn you to one of us," Wyatt says and I stare at him in horror. "You can't turn me, my werewolf blood will fight it, I would die," I say even though I'm not sure if it's true. "Your werewolf genes are dormant right now so I figure the venom wouldn't kill you, not unless Jake is stupid enough to do the ceremony," Wyatt says.

"I won't let you," I say and it comes out a growl, making him turn to look at me. "I knew you weren't just like them and I think Jake knows it too. So this will only hurt him worse," Wyatt said. He drags me farther into the woods until we're in a clearing, despite my struggle.

He turns to me then and slides his hands up to my wrists so I don't move and he pulls down on my arms until I'm right in front of him. "Stop it Wyatt, you don't have to do this," I said, "but I do, it's probably the best way to get to Jake, he seems to have taken a liking to you," Wyatt says. "What?" I ask but shake my head, "you still don't have to do this," I said.

"I do, and it's a shame, your actually not that bad a person," he said pulling me slightly closer. I'm shaking my head now and he slowly lowers his head, "I'm sorry," he whispers brushing his lips against mine for a second and I could tell he truly was only doing this because of Jake. Then his teeth lengthen and his eyes turn completely jet black. He rears his head back ever so slightly, "no!" I scream and there's a faint snarl behind it.

I hear my scream echo off the trees around me and travel in the wind. Wyatt smiles, "you're too late," he whispers as I push against his chest with all my might as his teeth sink into my neck again and half a second latter he is ripped away from me. I fall to the ground, my hands flying to my neck as I hear growling and hissing.

I look over to Wyatt hissing at a dark brown wolf, Kidd, and then he howls making Wyatt jump on him. My neck begins burning and I scream a blood curdling scream that stops the fight. Kidd growls and snarls furiously as if he would never stop and then pounces on Wyatt.

I hear running through the woods, but I scream again, the sounds of the fight lost as all I can hear is my heartbeat in my ears. Someone crouches over me and I hear them curse and maybe even give a slight whimper. "I'm so sorry," I heard Jake say but then the burning crawls down my body and I scream again and Jake's blurry figure shakes his head and calls Kidd.

"The only way we can help her is to do the ceremony," Jake says and Wyatt laughs as I squirm in my own skin. "You are stupid, you should know if you activate her werewolf side it will kill her," he says. "It's better than her being one of you," Jake says and Wyatt laughs, "we're not that bad," he counters.

I'm pretty sure I was hyperventilating now with short screams in the middle. "She'll be one of my kind any minute now," Wyatt says and I shake my head, I'm fighting it now and I feel like my body is helping me. I turn over and throw up blood, not my intention.

"She's already refusing the venom, what did you do?" Wyatt asked and Jake shakes his head, "we didn't do anything, her ceremony was tomorrow," Jake said. "Then what's happening?" Wyatt growls and Kidd shakes his head, "we have to do it Jake," he says and Jake nods.

"You can't," Wyatt says but with one howl a few moments pass and then the whole pack is here. They ignore Wyatt's presence and form a circle around me. They quickly turn into their wolves, not a pretty sight, funny I'm thinking about that when I could be dying now.

Jake feeds me some of his blood before he turns and then I hear words in my head. Their not English, maybe Old Latin? Either way it sets my blood on fire along with the burning of the vampire venom. I scream as loud as my body can handle, making my body weak and my voice raw.

"You're killing her!" Wyatt shouts at them and comes forward but Kidd spins and growls at him until Jake barks at him. Kidd slowly turns back around and then the words continue and then are finished with a howl at the end. Each wolfs voice collides in unison and a faint but sure howl rips from my raw voice in the sound of a wolf.

After that I look around the wolves who are now looking down at me. I look at Wyatt who actually looks worried, funny since he's the cause of all this. My head turns the other way and darkness takes me over.

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